Winwin ♡ I'm her Mr.

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WinWin and you got married 3 months ago. The fans never knew about you're relationship until after the marriage when they noticed his wedding ring. He later confessed on Weekly Idol that he was married and that the break he took was for his honeymoon.

Fans began hating on you. You can never walk around anymore without someone calling you names or throwing stuff at you.

WinWin would always try to make it better by telling the anti-fans off on V-lines, fan meetings and concerts.

One day, you were busy scrolling through twitter with tears running down your face. You couldn't take it anymore.

You ran upstairs to your shared bedroom with WinWin and pulled put a suitcase where you filled it up with your things.

The sound of the house door opening then closing catches your ear.

Why is he home so early?!

His footsteps could be heard as he climbs up the stairs. He repeats your name over and over. You don't know what do to.

He enters the room and shows you his signature sweet smile. But upon seeing the suitcase filled with cloths, supplies and memory pictures, he frowns.

"Yeobo whats that?" He asks

You stiffen.

"I-i think we need a divorce" you stutter as you look your toes which we curling up in your socks.

His eyes widen. He steps towards you a holds your hand with both of his own. You look up and make eye contact.

You look away shyly but he brings your head back. He stares at you lovingly worried.

"If you think I'm going to let you go that fast then your joking" he says

"I-i should go" You finally say

"No. Y/N I'm your man and no one else's. If they think that hating on you, on me, will tear us apart then they are plain dumb. We've been together forever and I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever." He says

You let down the tears that have been building up in your eyes. You wrap your arms around his neck and he traps you in a hug. You're tears keep flowing till your eyes drift closed.

WinWin picks you up and lays you on the bed where he lays next to you. He admires your features. From you flowing hair, to you long eyes lashes, and your plump lips.

'How can someone hate such a beautiful person?' He thought

He moves a strand of your hair away from your face before snuggling up next to you.

The next morning, you wake up with no WinWin by your side. Thinking he might have sent you a message saying that he went to practice, you pick up your phone.

WinWinnie 💕✨

WinWinnie: Check instagram

Confused, you open up your Instagram and go on NCT's account. The latest picture was a picture of WinWin holding a sign saying "Im her mr." With a mustache on top.

You read the description below which said.

'Hate for me and Y/N will only make us stronger. Thinking that hating such an amazing person is going to make you feel better is a lie. Me and her will be forever together. Why? Because I love her. Saranghae Y/N ❤️❤️'

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