Kun ♡ Graduation PT. 2

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finally, you arrived in korea yesterday and you have just finished unpacking all your things in your apartment.

you lived pretty close to a bus stop which would be a helpful way of transportation to get to work. you lay down on your couch and pull out your laptop, checking your emails.

realizing at sm entertainment have sent you an email, you click on it and begin reading.

dear miss zhang y/n

welcome to korea. the sm staff hope that you have been well and are doing fine on your own. please remember that you will have a tour of the sm building on june 3rd. just wait by the front desk and a member of staff will show you around. you will properly begin your job as a music producer in sm on june 27th. you will be working with a group called nct dream. you can do your research if you would like because they will be your permanent clients.

thank you good luck
the sm staff

picking up your phone, you notice that tomorrow is june 3rd. you jump off your couch and enter the kitchen, opening the fridge. once you look in to the empty fridge, you pout.

you missed chinese food already. deciding to get a proper chinese meal, you reopen your phone and search up the closest chinese supermarket.

"oh there's one 7 minutes away. thats great" you say to yourself

you run to your bedroom and pull out a jacket. you place your shoes on before locking your apartment door. keeping your phone in your hand, you follow the directions to the supermarket.

once you get there, you take the closest shopping cart and begin grabbing everything on your way.

while looking at the different types of chicken to get, you heard a couple of screams and hollers coming from somewhere in the store.

the store was quite empty when you first came in. it was just you, some old couple and the workers which meant it was quiet but now it was really noisy.

deciding to ignore it, you place some chicken breasts in your cart before containing to push your cart around.

you pull out your phone, wanting to check some recipe that your mom used to make. your phone opens up to the website about nct dream that you were looking at.

too focused on your screen, you didn't notice the cart that had a blonde boy coming right at you.

"move out of the way!" screams the boy

looking up, your eyes widen as the cart comes closer to you. you immediately jump out of the way as the two carts collide with each other.

your phone on the ground surrounded by some yogurt that spilled. rice, meat and sauces all scattered around on the floor.

"no no no no" you reach down to pick up your phone and quickly wipe off the liquids on it.

"mianhae noona" bows the boy with his 2 friends behind him

you look up at them and glare.

"ya what are you going to do about this mess? i'm not paying for what you brok- hold up. where have i seen your face-" you immediately recognized 2 of them as chenle and renjun from nct dream

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