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OK people y'all have met the goal of 20 reads,5 votes and 4 comments. And for that here's another lovely chapter.

Heavens Pov

"Mooommy get up its time to go to school" Dj says. I roll over and look at the time. 4:30 am.

"Boy why are you in our room at 4:30 in the morning?" I ask him in a whisper csreful not to wake Lucas but quickly notice he isn't here.

"Great another fvck and duck" I whisper to my self. I slide my robe on."Because daddy is picking me up todaaay and im so excited. I cannot wait he says were gonna go out for ice cream" he says.

I walk him back to his room. Im glade that he is excited to see his father and all but it's to early . I lay him back down.

"Go back to sleep ok baby?" I ask him, he nods and gets comfortable."Okay. Can you lay with me?" he asks his grey eyes a piercing hazel.

"Ok baby" I lay down beside him for I swear five minutes and next thing I know im rushing to get ready for work.

"Baby, go bath then ill pick out your clothes. Lala get in the tub in my room" I tell them as I rush to slick my hair back. I throw on some skinny jeans and a ruffled tank top with a jean jacket and my Ant Pearl kds.

I dress Dj in a white polo his jeaned jacket, and some loose fit jeans snd his Ant Pearls. I dress Lala in jeggings a pink polo and her jean jacket vest with her Ant Pearls. I put her hair in a puff with a head band.

Dj since he was in kindergarten he went half day. Which means he went from 8-12 pm. So his dads picking him up so technically he'd have him from 12-7.

I dropped them off at school and raced too my job. "Just in time Marie" my mom laughs. I work as her receptionist, she got her shit together and is now a lawyer. Best in Detroit.

"Dj was excited because Dario is picking him up today and woke me up at 4:30 in the morning!" I laugh, clocking in and taking my seat.

"I want another grandbaby." my mama laughs. "Maaa. You know how hard it was keeping pregnant with Dj. I just don't know if im ready to try again." I admit as her 7 oclock arrives.

Yas Pov ...

"Zyah get your ass over here now like your being bad for what?" I ask rubbing my temples. I had a doctor's appointment today and she's showing out.

"Get your lil ass over here" I say snatching her up. She starts screaming like I punched her in the chest. "Uh uh she ain't a good mom" some heffa says.

"Uh huh bitch keep on talking you really gonna need to be in the doctors" I say, Zyah continues to scream. I tap her legs, its what my parents did if I showed out.

"Ayana Primo" the receptionist called out. I stood up grabbed Zyah and my belongings and headed back too the doctors office.

" What is going on. How are you?" he asks. "Well, ive been throwing up, eating alot, sleeping all day. These are symptoms of pregnancy but we use condoms and I am on the pill" I tell him.

"Well let's see an ultra sound" he says. I nod and lift up my shirt. He spreads the jelly on and Zyah dips her finger in it.

"Uhhhhh. Here is a heart beat. You look to be around 2 months. Congratulations. You know how this works. You can schedual your appointment at the desk. Have a good day" he says. I wipe the jelly off my tummy with a paper towel and throw it away.

I don't know how I feel for another baby. I don't think we are ready for another baby.

Darios Pov ..

Im glade that she is letting me get more time with my child. I don't think that she would'nt let me but its cool.

Not a day goes by when I don't think about me and her. Yeah I know she's with Lucas and they're happy. Im trying things out with Ashanti.

*Im boutta cry yall*

"Hii daddy!" my son says climbing into the car. "Hey Dj. What do you want to do today?" I ask him.

"We can watch movies and eat popcorn. Maybe we can invite mommy over and we all can watch the movie ." he says playing with his action figures making sound affects.

"Not this time buddy. Maybe next week" his face falls. "Well otay. I just thought we could be a family" he says in a whisper.

"We are buddy!" I say."Stop calling me buddy. My name is Luke!" he says referring to his middle name his mother gave him. "Nah patna(Ti voice) yah name is Dario Luke Jr. I suggest you lose your tone before I change it for you!" I raise my voice at him pulling up to my house.

Heavens Pov ...

"Babe come rub my feet"  I whine to Lucas walking over to his lap. "Mommy im going to play in the yard with Auntie Onna." she says. I nod.

"Well are you down or nah?" I ask him as she leaves. He shakes his head. I straddled him, trailing my fingers across his six pack. "Girl I'm tryna work" he says.

"But I wanna play" I say seductively in his ear. I could feel his growing erection. "Girl go on. Im not foolin with you" he mocks me. I unbuckle his belt.

"How bout now?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Fine be like that" I say walking into our kitchen. I grab a smoithie from the freezer and drink it while heading to my bed room.

Luke busts in the room as I'm undressing. "Man, why you bursting up in shit?" I ask him sitting back in the bed.

"Ill take you up on that offer now!" he says taking his shirt off. "Moooommy" Dj sings running up the steps. He opens the door.

"Dj don't open the damn door if it's closed" Lucas yells at him. He becomes frightened, tears run down his face and her runs it the room.

"Don't yell at him. You know how he is" I say getting it of bed to check on my child.

"You ok baby?" I ask he nods his head and wipes his tears."Daddy yelled at me to. Why doesn't anybody like me mommy. La doesn't get yelled at. Is it because I'm ugly? Or because I'm bad. I can be good mommy just don't let them yell at me anymore" he says snuggling up to me.

And as a mother that hurts to hear your son say that nobody likes him. It made me cry and I don't cry in front of Dj. "Go take your bath and uhh I'll cook dinner. Or you can play out side with your Aunt and sister!" I suggest, he runs out side.

I start legit sobbing, my 5 year old thinks everybody hates him, oh me and Dario finna talk.

Phone call

Him:Yes Heav

Me:Are you aware that your son thinks everyone hates him*lump forms in throat*

Him:Why would he think that.

Me:What did you yell at my son for?

Him:Did you know that he curses and yells at his own father?

Me: I suppose I'll talk to him.


I got a text from Ya that gave me the most shock of my life.

From HoeYaYa.

Im pregnant and Zay wants me to abort.


Sorry guys had to prepare for Easter today. Ill post omw to church in the morning.  Shout out to my best friend go read her book Forbidden love it had a black and white cover.

Ummmmmm. wow Zay! 45 reads . 15-20 votes and 9 comments

All Over Again. (Sequel to My BestFriend Dario)Where stories live. Discover now