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Kims pov aka Skai...

Every since that little threat in the kitchen ive been mia. I have not spoken to Heaven or my adoption family.

I was getting ready to see what I was going to have. Yes it's been 1 month since I talked to them but they haven't reached out either but I did change my number.

Sliding my yoga pants and my PINK sweatshirt on I tied my light neon pink Nikes on and was about to head out the door when I was greeted by Heaven and Ayana.

"Umm. Hey?" Heaven says. I nod towards her I can't be late for my appointment.

"Im sorry I'm going to my appointment you can come if you like!" I invite her, she wraps her arms around my shoulders and leads me to my car.

She gets in the passenger seat waits till I get in and locks the door . "Why have you been so distant?" she asks putting her feet on my dash board.

"Zay threatened mr to stay away from him till he gets over me!" I say honestly. "Well I don't care he's no longer allowed to my house. But your my sister I need to know these things. I won't let anyone hurt you!" she says, I nod at her.

She tells the other two to come, they were bitching about something, I started my car and made my way to my doctors appointment.

When we arrived I signed myself in and sat down in the waiting room. Me and Heaven made small talk. It was funny cause we would say stuff at the same time.

"Kimberly Skai" the nurse called I stood up. Usually me and Zay would go on but he ain't here so I'm taking Heaven.

Ayana stood up also but I don't know why. She made it clear she doesn't want anything to do with me or my baby.

I walked back to my room. The doctor did regular check ups then the ultrasound came. "Do you want to know what your having?" She asks me.

"No!" I assure her.

"Yes" Ayana says, I stank face the shit out of her. She mugs me back. I roll my eyes, Heaven sees this and squints her eyes at me.

"Heres the heartbeat" the doctor says, at first it sounded like two.

"Did yall here two or was that just ne?" I ask. They shake they heads well okay im tripping.

"Well only two more appointments!" the doctor says wiping the gel off of my stomach.

"On second thought I want to know what im having!" I said at last minute, he pulls my ultra sound back."Your having a little boy!" he smiles, I wipe the jelly back off and we leave.

"A boy sissy im so happy for yah!" Heaven says as I pull up to my house. "Did you want to hang out today or?" I ask her.

"Ill chill with you yeah!" she smiles, I nod a yay. (A/N I think im going to have Jacob Perez play Alex or ill jjst make him a character.)

"Can we got shopping I git the baby's room cleared out. It's pretty big and you can baby sit any time"  I say to her.

"Yassss of course" she says as we make our way to the mall.


So we are walking around to the baby store and a boy comes up to me. He has curly hair light skinned looks Mexican.

"Hey I think that your really cute and I would like to take you out sometime!" he says Onna and Heaven was like 'Awee shooky nah'.

"Well im 5 months pregnant im a home wrecker I guess and I have alot of things on my shoulders . If you still want my number give me your phone if you want to leave, go ahead you won't hurt my feelings!" I say , he looks me up and down.

He hands me his phone and I smile at him. "My contact is under Future Skai:)" I tell him he retrieves his phone and I walk away.

"My sister got game" Heaven says.

"You was right bout that home wrecking part!"  Ayana says, I shrug her off.

Heavens Pov ....

I don't know if I want to chill with Ayana any more forreal. She always says side shit to Skai.

Yeah if Dario cheated and got a bitch pregnant we'd fight but ive already been in that situation. I wish them the best their lil girl is adorable. I moved on.

Fiance called me while we were in forever 21. 

Dario:Can Zay and then come over?

Me: Zay can no longer come to our house.

Dario: Why?

Me: Ill tell you when I get home.

"Why can't he come over? You are changing for that lil hoe im telling you Heav" Ayana says, I roll my eyes.

"You sure as hell would do the same thing for your sister!" I say to her she shrugs.

"Not if she is a hoe ass home wrecker" ask I could do was walk away.

Aryonnas Pov ...

Me and Skai were walking around forever 21. I think it's cool to have another sister and Skai is cool as hell.

"Ary you are just so pretty I hope one day in the future I have a daughter like you !" she says to me I smile.

"Thank you !" I say to her, she gets some leggings off the rack that are totally cute but I didnt have my money.

"Hey lets get a matching outfit !" She says, I nod.

"Hey can I ask you for something? And can you keep a seceret?" I ask her she nods turning towards me giving me her full attentions.

"Can you take me to get an abortion"


How many of yall knew she was pregnant?

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