Plot Twist

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Okay this cgapter is going to be about Zay, Kim and Ayana agian. Ok ik buh bye. Oh theres gonna be a huge ass plot twist.

Zays Pov ...

Today was the appointment. I took me a long ass shower and got dressed. I was on my way out the door at 11:45.

I arrived at 11:55 it was ten minutes away I hipe its not the doctor Ayana had that would be embarrassing

I walked in and saw Kim sitting in the waiting room scrolling in her phone. She was probably in wattpad reading All Over Again. Do you know how many times ive heard about the damn book. Every single time the author updates.

"Hey you came wow im suprised you came!" she says , I told her I was coming yesterday at the beach. She smiled up at me.

"Im man of my word" I state and wait till we get called back.

They do regular test then the fun part the doctor put jelly on her stomach and then she was searching for the heart beat. Five minutes later she found one.

I smiled a deep smile looked on the screen at my unborn child. "Bet its a boy!" she says, I shake my head boys to me are bad luck.

"Totally a girl" I say smiling, she wipes the jell off of her stomach and we walk out the office.

I hug her and we go our separate ways. I smile at the ultrasound and head home to my wife and daughter.

"Hello Isaiah!" Ayana says, I nod a wassup and I kiss my daughter. Shes getting prettier and prettier by the second.

"What are you about to do?" she asks. "Um smoke why?" I ask her, she shakes her head feeding our daughter.

"If you wanna do something speak now or forever hold your peace!" I say, she shrugs I sigh and leave the house slamming the door.

She works my nerves.

Ayanas Pov...

He don't ever tell me shit, I know that he went to the doctors appointment I seen the text message that said "Dont forget about the appointment"

After I feed Zyah I lay her down for a nap. Awe she is so cute getting more beautiful by the day.

I smiled at her and made my way to my room. Now that I really think about it that hoe looks like Heaven. Ahh im just tripping.

I sit down and hell find one of Zays joints and light it up. Hell why not.

Kims Pov ... (Btw )

I was relieved that he came. I didnt think he was going to but he did and im glade as shit he did.

Yall already think of me as a hoe or whatever who cares, when he came to the beach nothing happened all he did was talk to me and watch the sunset go down.

I smiled at the thought. I grabbed some twizzlers and sat on the couch. My mom is really awful towards me.

I wanna do something so I call my sister Cece up. She said I cab cube over for a while. I go to her house and  the neighborhood looks familiar. I think Zay lives down the street.

Heavens Pov ...

I went to my girl Ceces house to sore her I got engaged. we have been friends since I was 6 but she moved because of family problems.

I knock on the door and some girl that looks like me answers. I shrug it off, there are people that look alike all the time.

"Hey im Kim, Ceces sister!" she sticks her hand out and I notice shes pregnant.

"Hey Im Heaven." I say she steps aside and let's me in. "Ce girrl he proposed to me ! In Hawaii!"  I said jumping up and down.

I stayed for an hour I took a picture of the Kim girl and went over to my mom's house to show her the irony.

"Mama look." I say walking in. Onna was scanning the fridge she getting big, she must not be in track anymore.

I showed her the picture and studied it. She looked up at me and didn't say anything. I looked at her she was hiding something.

"Ma what are you hiding?" I ask her suspiciously.

"Baby sit down!" she says. I sit down and she clears her throat.

"Uhh a while ago back when you were in the womb I was having twins and I gave one up for adoption because I couldn't raise two babies. Your father was leaving me and I just couldn't do it." she says

"Mom what are you getting at?" I ask her.

Plot twist














































"Baby. Thats your twin sister!" she says.


So hoeing around runs in the family aye okaaay. 2nd update todaaay.

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