you name it

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Ok my phone is kinda working so heres a chapter I hope its long.


Heavens Pov ..

Today I was going to get my shots so that my body wouldn't kill the baby literally. I have that special blood and my bidy thinks that the baby is a bad thing so it tries to kill it the shot is to let it know its a baby i guess.

I dressed simole and dressed the kids. Yeah im still with Lucas but were doing good I guess. If I dont make him mad he is cool. We never have sex anymore and im glade about that. He doesn't deserve it.

"Dj , La lets goo!" I say grabbing my keys. As soon as Lucas walks out the door I lock it and get into my Range Rover that Dario got me yes from my 16th birthday.

"Mom turn to Power 107.5" Dj says, I turn to the station and Dj starts singing money baby. I laugh another one of him around could be fun forreal.

"What do you guys want a sister or a brother?" I ask them.

"Neither!" they say together. I turn down the street. "Got damn" I mumble." Dj, why dont you want anything?" I ask him. "I want you to have a baby with daddy" he says. I look at Lucas, he stares down at his phone. When I look at it he turn over.

Asiahs Pov...

So Meech told me that they supoosed to be going to mexico. "Ariel do you want daddy to go to Mexico?" I ask , she shakes her head no.

I was gonna see if we could go to. Its not like I dont trust him, I dont trust my self. I dont want any problems and I just need to go with them.

I know it is highly dangerous for girls to go on a dope trio cause if we get caught then we fucked forreal.

I heard about the whole Lucas beating Heaven or whatever. She could have left him but she didn't so her problem.

Me and Meech doing good. I want another baby but he doesn't. He pulls out every time.

"Baaabe when are you leaving for Mexico." I ask again. " Like I told you five minutes ago. Whenever they tryna leave probably next week" he sighs annoyed.

I lookes through his luggage and found condoms.

Ya Ya Pov ..

I am 4 months pregnant. This is si exciting. Zyah is happy too my parents are coming over so I can tell them.

I made a wonderful dinner for us. They will eat anything you prepare. "Zay baby can you get the hot sauce out." I ask him. He nods and I set the plates in the table.

Right on time too because my parents were at the door. They don't know Zays occupation, thry think hes a construction builder.

"Mama. Hi daddy!" I greet them and I invite them in.


"The last time we got invited for dinner you were pregnant Lord knows I don't need any more grand kids." my mom says.

I look over at Zay, he kinda looks over at me out the side of his eye. "I honestly don't mind another grand child" my dad tells us.

"Mommy why don't you won't another grand kid. Zyah your only grand kid!" I say sipping my tea.

"And shes a bundle of joy but I dont think you guys are ready for another child. Look shes eating with her hands." my mom says.

"Mom shes two. Are you saying were not good parents?" I ask getting aggregated.

She stays silent."Well im pregnant so its  late for your opinion." I say and the rest of dinner was silent for me.

"Babe can you rub my feet they hurt" I say after getting out the shower after I cleaned up the kitchen and putting Ziyah to sleep.

"Yeah come lay down daddy will take care of you" he says I put my night clothes on and lay down on the bed. He rubs my feet. I didnt realise I was moaning till he looked at me crazy.

He pecked my lips, I kissed back and  kissed down my neck. "Zay you mnow I dont wanna have sex while im pregnant." I moaned.

"But I want to make love to you" he says and I let him take control.

Heavens Pov ..

"Hello Ms. Lopez. How are you today?" the doctor asked. "Im fine how are you?" I asked him. He nodded staring at my face.

I don't think I covered my face good enough. "This makes a wall around the baby. *injects me*. This makes the baby stronger *injects me*. Nausea hours along with this so if you feel like your going to throw up its normal." he says.

I schedual my appointment for the next month. I drop Lucas off at the trap he was gonna be there till tomorrow.

I took the kids to my moms house and then went to Darios house. "Heaven what are you doing here?" he asked. "Is Ashanti home?" I ask, he shakes his head and invites me in. I forgot they don't live together and she doesn't have a key. He locks the door I walk deeper in his house.

I sit on the couch. "Why are you really here?" he asks. "I wanted to chill forreal" I say. He nods, my phone vibrates and I reach yo get it but he slaps my hands.

That starts another wrestle match. We fall over on the floor and I look into his beautiful eyes. I lean in to kiss him.

He slides his tounge into my mouth. I slide my toung into his and we continue to make out. He lifted me up and carried me to his room.

I think you know what happened in there.


Well hwre yall go my phone kinda work or whatever. Is it good I need comments.

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