A loss

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Kims Pov

He stood there speechless. " Its not mine. Its my sister Cece's. " I lie kinda like he lied to his wife.

"Oh okay!" he sats then his face turns disgusted as he relises he touched my 'sisters' pee stick. I laugh at him.

He runs too the bathroom and washes his hands for about 10 minutes. He dries them and sits at the foot of the bed.

"Zay just go home please!" I say , he looks over at me. " As much as you would like that no!" he says, I frown at him. "Go home Isaiah" I tell him.

"Why?" he asks. "Cause you promised your wife. I'll be okay! Just go home, have fun. Not to much cause ill seriously break it off!" I say seriously.

I smile at him as he gets off the bed. He walks over to my head and tried to kiss me. I move my head around. "You got wifey lips!" I kid around.

He looks me in my eyes , he kissed me more passionatley then I have ever kissed him. I kiss him back, he slides a hand in my panties.

"Zaaay you gotta go home!" I moan out. He sighs kisses my forehead then washes his hand and leaves out the door.


"You told him it was mine!" Cecd shrieks. I nod my head changing my sheets. "Wow. Your such a good sister!" she says.

I giggle at her ass and sit in my bed. I don't know what im going to do with out him.

"Baby. I am ready to yah know." Zay says, he sees my sister sitting on my bed.

"Ill leave you to it sis. Your coming to mommys tonight right?" she asks me. "uhh yeah I'll try" I say, my mom has stage four cancer they sat she doesn't have alot of time to live, I haven't talked to my mom in awhile but I should change that.

"Why are you crying?" he asks putting his arm on my shoulder.

"My mom has stage four cancer . I haven't seen her in years because of what she let happen to me when I was little!" I say wrong unwanted tears.

"Do you want to tell me out its it to soon?" He asks, I shrug.

"Well if you ever want to talk. Im here baby!" he says, I nod my head.

"So what happened with wifey" I start sobbing uncontrollably the thoughts feeling my head. Zay pulls me onto his lap.

"Just let it all out!" he says rubbing my back. About 10 minutes later I pull myself together.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks as I lay my head in his chest.

"When I was 14 my mom had this boyfriend and I was really cool with him till one day my mom went on a buisness trip for a couple days. We were just watching tv and he asked if I wanted to play a game and I said yes so I didn't know that it involved getting touched and giving 'head' to my step father. I don't give head till this day!" I tell him leaving it done parts during oral.

He kisses my forehead. "You wanna just watch netflix or wassup?" he asks for once but he got a call of a life time.

"Shes having the baby!" he says kinda flat he takds off his shoes.

"What are you doing ?" I ask him.

"Staying with you!" he says.

"No your wife is in labor. Go I'll be here!"I tell him.

"If I leave I ain't coming back!" he barks at me.

"Well looks like you ain't coming back then!" I yell locking my door stomping back to my room.

Ayanas Pov ....

He came home last night I was excited. All though we couldn't have sex because im so close to having the baby. I loved that he cuddled me.

"Heaveeen. I was so happy when we cuddled. Do you think I'm driving him away?" I ask her.

She shook her head. She was currently living with us because Lucas kicked her out. I was so heated when I heard that.

Me and Heav are taking the kids to the park like we do everyday. "Zyah, Dj lets goo!" I yell heading to the car.

We finally made it to the park. The kids are all geeked and hyped up. I feel like I embarassed him to much yesterday infront of his cousin.

"Heaven im craving chocolate icecream pickles and a pinch of ketchup!" I say, she cringes abd shakes her head.

"That's nasty as shit.!" she says.

"Mommy auntie peed on her self!" Dj says pointing at the puddle of whatever it is.

"The baby is coming call Zay" I say as she rushes me abd the kids to the car.

Zays Pov ..

I rush to the hospital. I don't want my kid to be born and ne not there. I'll have to handle Kim later but right now it's all about my wife and son.

I finally make it to the hospital and ask for my wife's room. I rush into the room and see Heaven and the kids.

"Hey baby! Sup Heav. Ayee lil man . Hi baby girl ready to meet your lil brother." I speak to everyone.

I kiss her nose. We were just waiting around so I took the opportunity to text Kim.

Me: Wassup?

Love: Um chillen with Alex.

Me: We talked about this.

Love: You proved we could never be anything more. Your married.

Me: You told me to go after my wife my son being born now if you want us to end just say it.

Love: Bye . ion feel right bout this. Have a good life Zay.

Me: Whatever.

I rub my hands over my face then delete her number and out text messages. Im all about my wife now.

We have been sitting in this spot for about 6ish hours. The doctor came in and told us it was time to push. I smiled getting by my wife's side.

25 pushes later my son came out. With the umbilical cord wrapped and his neck.

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