real chapter

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Darios Pov ....

"Daddy is my mommy gonna be okay?" Dj asked me. Should I lie to him or should I tell the truth.

"I honestly don't know buddy!" I say, he nods and plays his game. I pray over and over for her to make it.

"You should really go home and get some rest" Asiah says, I shake my head. "Ya take Dj to our house. He needs to sleep and food!" Zay says.

"Well um I'll be back then you guys keep me updated ill be back in a couple hours." she says gathering the kids. Dj hugs me tight and I hug him back.

" I love you!" He says.

"I love you too" I say and he runs and catches up with his aunt.

"How is she doing?" Lucas asks, I look up at him and study his face. "She can't have kids, and lost the baby" I say flatly. Still studying his face I thought I saw a twinge of relief.

"Where were you at , when this happened" I ask him, "Ugh. out at the trap. Yah know planning for Mexico in 1 week!" he says rubbing his hands together. Nigga worried bout his money when he should be worried bout his girl.

"You do realise that yah girl is like in critical condition and your sitting here worried about a trip to Mexico." Meech says rubbing his hand over his face.

"Yeah theres other broads out here. In case she don't make it. That can actually carry a baby!" he chuckles, I look at him like he is crazy.

I shrug it off. I focus on the doctor walking over to us. "Well she is up and ready to see people. Is her mother here or father here she needs blood. The special type of blood. Does anyone have her blood type O -7." he asks.

"Yeah our son Dj" I say.

"Is he here?" the doctor asks. I shake my head.

"Is he even old enough?" I ask. "Yes."

I call Ayana and I have her being Dj back. Her pregnant ass was whining, it kinda turned me on but I remembered that Heaven was needing medical attention.


Dj walked out the office with a lolly pop and a band aide on his wrist. It brings me to when Heaven cut her self.

I shuddered at the memories. "Daddy im tired, when is mommy going to come home?" Dj asked me I shrugged.

"Why are you still here?" Ya asked rubbing her tummy.

"Oh idk because the mother of my child is in there bleeding out." I say kind of sarcastically.

"Dont use that tine with me!" she says, I shake my head at her.

"Can we see her!" I ask a passing nurse. She eyes me up and DOWN.

"Ill ask the doctor precious!" she says putting sway in her hips walking over to him.

"You may see her." he says.

Heavens Pov ..

I woke up to a beep.Beep.Beep. I looked over and saw a heart monitor. Why the hell am I in the hospital.

"Good your awake. You were shot in the abdomen, your baby was killed. The way we see it is she protected you from getting killed. It was like she stored the bullet from getting to your lower spine. You almost bled out but your son gave you fine of his blood because you have the same. You will never have kids again and if you do name that baby miracle cause that's what it would be." he explains. I was having a baby girl.

I cried and cried. I tried to sit up but fell back down because I was in so much pain.

"Heres IB profen . You have stitches and staples . You won't be working for 4-6 weeks"  he informs me.

I nod,"Can I see my family?" my voice hoarse and dry. They all pile in the room. Zyah sleep in her daddys arms, Onna onnn my mom's lap, Dario the foot of my bed, Asiah looking tired Ariel sleep in her dads arms. Lala was sitting by a very pregnant Ya.

Nobody spoke just stared at me. "Mommy are you ok?" Dj asked jumping on me. I let out a shriek.

Tears I didn't know I had poured out of my eyes. " Get him the fuck off of me!" I almost yelled. Everybody shocked at my sudden out burst.

Dario quickly got Dj off my abdomen. The pain still there, "Dario press that button and ask for the ice pack thing for my stitches and staples." I say, the pain meds kicking in.

"Uh. My fiance needs the ice pack for her stitches and staples" he says into the intercom. I looked at him cross eyed. I shook it off.

"Yah know I was gonna have a little girl!" I say kind of shaky. "Well its okay. You have Dj and Lala and Ariel" Asiah says.

"And Zyah abd Messiah" Ayana says stank facing Asiah. "Yeah and then" Asiah says. "Um can y'all stop" I ask. Ya nods.

"Mom I can't work for  4-6 weeks." I say looking over at her. She nods her head knowingly.

"Do you know who did this to you?" Zay asks.

"No, I don't really remember what happened!" I confess honestly. "Week when you do remember than ill beat their ass. We all will" Meech says.

"Darriiiooo. I wanna cuddleee and do some thaangs to yah!" I say, yeah the medicine is kicking in.

"Yah she's out of it!" Ayana laughs, "Whatevaaaa" I giggle. My eyes start drifting to shleep.

1 week later..

"Yay mommy you get to come home tonight!" Dj says sneaking in a burger from McDonald's.

He gives it to me. The family inn front of me. My abdomen is still killing me and I can barley walk. "Baby you good?"  Dario asks. I nod my head.

Lucas has been MIA. There was a knock on the door. It was Ashanti, i smile at her, she smiles back. "Baby I have very great news!" she says. (It was me, Asiah, Dj,Zyah and Ya).

"I have news to" he says.

"Okay you first!" she says.

"Ladies first." he instructs..

"Im pregnant"  she says, my whole world comes crashing. He smiles at her.

"What do you have to say?" she asks. He scratches his head like he does when he coming up with a lie.

"I love you..." he lies even though it's a lie hearing him say he loves another girl still breaks my heart.


Mwahahaa. Ok I need yall to answer the question of the day or I won't update again I need atleast 5 answers.

What character do you like most and why?

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