Didn't See It Coming

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Heavens Pov ..

Dario said that its time for a vacation and boy do I agree. Zay, Zyah,Ariel,Meech,Mariya,Dj and Ayana are going to Hawaii with me.

"Mommy is it pretty in Hawaii?" Dj asks as I zip his bag up. I nodded even though ive never been there myself I've seen pictures and that's good enough for me.

I put his bag by the front door, we are going away for a week or so. Its gonna be so fun I just can not wait.

I put my bags by the door and waited for Dario to unlock the car doors. He was so like taking forever.

I grabbed the keys unlocked the car door and put our bags in the trunk we are supposed ti be going for our flight in 1hour but these slow pokes are gonna make us late.

Zays Pov ..

"Kiiim. Ill be back in 7 days it's not that long!" I say rubbing lotion on her legs. Ive noticed she's been getting chunkier and eating more.

"Babe. You can leave me in 7 days! What if you fall back in love with her?" she asks, that was a good question bht highly unlikely.

"I won't!" I tell her, she nods and tears up. "Why are you crying?" I asked wiping her tears. "I don't want you to leave me!" she whines.

"Uh! Im going there to see my homeboy propose!" I say rubbing her back. She smiled. "I cant wait till I get married!" she beams, when she does get married it won't be too me. Even though we have been together for a couple months I can just give her an infinity ring like Dario did. Nah I wanna be unique maybe a promise ring.

"Baby what are you thinking about?" she asks, I shake my head I got one hour to my flight. I kiss her lios then head out.

"Zay. Wait!" she says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I. Um. Love you!" she says shyly.

"I. Um. Love you too" I say and I really did mean that.

Ayanas Pov.

She finally got me out of bed. A trip to Hawaii will get any body out of bed. "Zyah. Come on do you want to see your dad or not?" I say she was taking her sweet ol time to get down the stairs.

I never see Zay anymore and in this trip I will show him that im capable of sex. I bought lingerie for the trip ive been desiring my husband fir months now.

I finally got all of our bags in the car and drove to the airport. I found the rest of the group and walked over to them. "Well hello guys!" I smile at them.

"Hey glade you made it!" Heaven says, I nod and see Zay walking up with Lo. I can hear his sexy laugh. He has always had a sexy laugh but maybe because I miss it made me turn on more.

He walked straight to Zyah and hugged her. "Daddy. Daddy. Daddyy" she giggled clapping her hands. He thru her up in the air and cought her.

"Hii Isaiah " I smile and hug his body to. Wherever he is staying he's getting good meals.

"Baby I missed you so much."  I say, he nods and hugs me tight. He releases and carries our luggage to the plane.

Darios Pov ...

We finally seated on our plane I was sitting by Dj and Zay. "How is your and ole girl?" I asked him referring to his mistress.

"I love her, shes beautiful, smart, funny, sweet and sure can cook and she got that good good!" he says looking at his phone.

"Well are gonna stay with wifey?" I ask him. He thinks long and hard.

"Ion know what should I do?" he asks.

"Uhhh continue with the second cut off the first because if you loved wifwy then you wouldn't be able to fall v in love with anyone else.!" I say honestly.

"Thanks im going to dat!" he says oh lawd what did I just do.

Meechs Pov ...

I think that im falling for Mariya but that's my best friend so I don't know. Dj sits by Ariel sui I sit by the boys.

"What's up what yall talking about?" I ask.

Dario looks at Zay for a confirmation look. He nods, Dario tells me the situation and I put my input.

"Go for the second because if you loved yah wife you wouldn't be able to date another girl and fall in love" I say.

"Thats What Dario said!" Zay says, I nod and Dario him. He tells me everything about Kim that he likes. Damn nigga in love.

Kims Pov. ....

"Just text him and tell him quit being difficult!" Admire says as I cradle my niece.

"Ill face time him when he texts me that the coast is clear!" I say I was held nervous about telling Zay what I discovered.

I don't know if he will leave me or stay by my side. Im scared Ive never been this scared in my life. He didn't seem like the type to hit a woman.

I say down and looked at my niece. She is so beautiful I hope that one day I had a kid this beautiful I've started to think that Zay would be the father of my child one day.

Zay:Hey beautiful I have news.

Kim:So do I can we umm face time.

*Face time*

Zay: So Im going to leave my wife for you.

My heart completely stopped. I sont know if I wanted that or not. I mean I always dreamed of a family but not to be a homwrecker.

Me:I don't want to be a homewrecker.

Zay: Your not its my choice baby I love you and I think I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

Me: Zay don't say that. We can still take it slow. When you leave her you can come live with me.

Zay: That was my plan so whats your news.

Me:Im scared to tell you !

Zay: You can tell me anything.

Me:Im pregnant about 3 months.

He just starts cheesing it up, I swear I seen tears in his eyes.

Zay:Yay we are having a baby!

I was happy that he was happy that we were having a child and there was no way that I was going to abort this child or mess anything up. I am ready for our child to be born.


Omg Zay you got yah side hoe pregnant! -_- Nigga wrap it up.

Vote and comment I seriously won't update.

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