Funeral Drama

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Okay so heres another chaoter for this one ...

Skais Pov ...

Getting news that your little sister is dead is hard as hell. Grieving has been hard as hell because I have a small child to care to.

The funeral was beautiful , Heaven did her hair and dressed her but every time she woupd touch her ,her body would give out.

Today we are all coming together for whatever. Roc was even coming I have never seen Roc cry so much. Losing a girlfriend must be hard as hell just like losing my sister.

"Can you not today? Why are you doing this to me?" I ask my son why is being grabby and crying throwing a fit.

"Just give me my son " Zay says reaching out to grab him. I shake my head. "Nigga you don't ever come see him tf you mean" I say getting up with my son to walk away.

He grabs my arm and pulls me to the corner . "I aint playing with you gimme my damn child !" he says forcefully snatching (I forget the childs name) . My son starts screaming at the top of his lounges.

Zay takes his binky out my hands and put it in his mouth. He calms down but is still reaching for me .

"Zay give me my baby back" I say on the brink of tears. (It's so hard writing this -_- im used to the players baby)

"Zay im not playing i just lost my sister , Give me my son" I say, he looks at me crosseyed.

"Your new to this family ! You don't belong here . Your an outsider ! Nobody wants you here . My life id ruined because of you. But im greatful for my son ! If you could kindly leave you'd be doing all of us a favor "  he says waking out.

I grab my purse and keys and leave. Today is not the day to mess with me. I don't decide to go home though. I decide to take a walk.

"Ayo ma !" Some hood rat calls out looking at my ass . "Not my damn name " I say walking faster, he snatches my arm and that's all I remember.

Jacobs Pov ..

I was walking in the park about to meet up with Roc when I see a body laying on the ground. I got closer and it was Skai.

I scooped her little body up and carried her back to her house. I cleaned her up and she woke up.

"Jacob why did you hurt me?" she asks in a rough voice.

"I didn't do this" I say laying beside her. "You said you would never let anybody hurt me . You lied to me" she says, crying .

"Dunno wha your taking about!" I say getting frustrated.

"You promised you would never let anyone hurt me ! You lied to me !" She sobs. This brought me back to that drake song Doing It Wrong.

'But i cant stay to hold you thats the wrong thing to do !'

"Yeah once we broke up that promise was over" I try to be tough but seeing her cry hurts because she's apart of me.

"Everything is just falling apart ! My sister died, nobody wants me Jacob nobody . Why doesn't anybody love me ? Can you tell me that. I just don't understand even Z'Kai thinks im a bad mom . I wish I was the one in the casket not her ! A better sister would have known something was wrong . ! Its my fault she's dead it's ask my fault !" she sobs harder and harder.

I pick up her small beaten frame and lay her on my chest and hold her.

"What , baby its not your fault . You couldn't have told that she was going to do that ! Your a good mom . Wheres he at anyway?" I asked her.

"He's w-w-with Z-Z-Zay" she says, I nod my head. She wipes her eyes. She looks up at me . Damn she is so sexy, her long hair over her right shoulder.

"Baby . Stay with me" she says, now straddling me rubbing her hands up my torso. She shifted her eyes to my basketball shorts . She kissed my neck. Her hands in my hair playing with my curls. "So are you going to stay with me" she asks looking hopeful.

"I have plans with Roc actually . " I say sitting up starting to kiss her neck.

"But ... I can cancel them for you" I say tugging on her shirt .

Heavens Pov ...

I dont grieve because I know they are in a better place then this Hell hole.  Im not happy shes dead bit im happy she's living better and shes in a better place then this fucked up society.

"Dj . Do not drop him " I say watching him while he plays with his cousin Z.

"Where did Skai go ?" I ask Zay. "Hopefully to go jump off a bridge . I want to file full custody for my son!" he states.

My fist collides with his nose. "Bitch nigga goodluck muh fuhka . You will never get full custody. You dont raise yo son . My sister always comes crying to me because your ass always doing something wrong. You a failure of a father. Full custody my ass you don't by shit for my nephew . Jacob act like a better father then you ! I wish that was Jacobs baby not yours " I yell  getting dragged out the kitchen .

"Stupid bitch" Zay says, Dario steps in.

"You talking to the wrong one Zay" Dario says getting in Zays face. "Dario fuck out my face !" Zay says .

"And if I dont" He says staying there, he gets pulled away from Zay.

"You my nigga Heaven but dont be disrespecting my husband" Ayana aays.

"Bitch step !" I say still getting held back.

And this is what they would call. Death At A Funeral.

A/N I just thought I would hit yall up bruh . I need yah comments every thang .

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