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This Chapter is going to be about Zay, Kim and Ayana. So I can clear some shit up before yall hate me.

Ayanas Pov....

I was more hurt then mad at Zay. I kind of figured he had been cheating but I would at least think he would stop before he fell in ''love'' with the hoe.

Okay okay okay maybe what I said to her was harsh but she deserves the worst. I dont want any part of that baby her and that baby can rot in hell.

Today we wlare going to a marriage counselor. Suggested to me by one if my co workers. I am going to try this out because I want my marriage to work.

"Okay so why are you guys here today?" the counselor asks us.

"Because my husband cheated and got another woman pregnant behind my back" I state sounding bitter as hell.

"Got damn ... I mean oh kay and Zay what lead you to yah know cheat on your wife." She asks him he adjusts his snapback on his head.

"Uhhh because yah know the fussing and fighting and her always on my case about stupid shit. And the loss of my son recently I felt like there was nothing to care or live for so I went to find love err sex!" he says rubbing his hands together licking his lips.

"And you say you love this woman?" she asks him writing viciously on her notepad.

"Yeah. I do." he admits , aye atleast he aint lying but it hurts to know your husband loves another woman.

"And Ayana how do you feel about this?" she asks looking up.

"Uh it hurts. Alot." I say trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Zay do you plan on helping the girl that's pregnant out?"  she asks. This was a tough question because I don't want him anywhere near that hoe.

"No. I won't!"  he says flatly.

"And why not?" she asks him, I sigh.

"Im trying to fix things with my wife and she doesn't want me to have anything to do with them!" he says I rub my hands on his thigh and he moves it off.

Zays Pov ...

After the counselors I dropped off Ayana. She didn't ask any questions of where I was going.

I sped off down the street towards Kims house. I have to atleast talk to her to clear things up.

I arrived at her house nervous and scared.  I've never been so scared in my life. Right now im either gonna lose her or my child.

I work up enough courage to call her. I knew she wasn't at her side job that she works Monday, Wednesday,Friday and Sunday from 8am to 5pm.

She agreed to come to my car. She was wearing a tight tank top a black laced bra, I remember that bra I used to unbuckle it so many times. It was the kind that unbuckles in the front, she also had on some spandex shorts.

Her belly looked like she was pregnant which she is but . "Yes Zay I think you and your wife have said enough to me. Im keeping the baby and that's final. If you want to sign up your rights when the baby that's fine Alex doesn't mind stepping in and signing the birth certificate." she says wiping tears, she airways sounded white and country when she cries.

I couldn't comfort her this time, which was a weakness for me. "Ba-Kim don't cry please im going to take care of my child." I say to her, more of a promise.

"My doctors appointment is tomorrow I'd you want to come if not it's totally cool I don't want your telationship to be in more jeopardy!" she says, I kept my eyes straight because if my wife hasn't found out about us or I hadn't told her I would be in her bed right now making love to her but I need to get her out my head.

"Ill just meet you at your- No what doctors office?" I asked her drumming my fingers on the stearing wheel.

"Alright West Turnberry!" (im in the car and that's the name of sine apartments) she says I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Oh ok. What time?" I ask her.

"12pm. You can bring Ayana if you want. If you don't it'll be just me and you which she doesn't trust" she says.

"Im not bringing her she'd probably kill the baby!"  I laugh, she did get cut little giggle that always turns me on.

"I gotta head to Darios. Ill see you tomorrow!" I say, she nods opening the door. "Them shorts is to small for you"  I tease her.

"Don't look bye Zay!" she smiles.

"Uh huh bye Kim. I uh um love you!" I slip.

"I um. Love you too Zay." she says walking into the house. I rest my head on the steering wheel. "What did I just do?" I ask myself. How did I get myself into this.

Kims Pov ..

Waking back into the house I feel hungry. When I was little I always wanted the baby's father to be by my side when I thru up because I have a baby in me.

I skim my fridge and realise I have nothing. I haven't talked to my mom at all in 6 months.

I grab my keys and get ready to leave to get me some snacks and a thing of ice cream I can eat omw to my mamas house.

On the way to the store the only thing I could think about was Zay. Would he really help out when the baby gets here? Will he come tomorrow?

I got my things paid then left to my mamas house. I unlocked her door and walked in. "Mama?" I called out heading to the kitchen to get a spoon.

"Hey, its you wheres your sister?" she asks. I shrug digging into my ice cream.

"Oh okay I see your pregnant who's the father?" she asks sighing.

"A married man mama!" I say.

"You always were my disappointment child!" she scorns. I walk out the door with my ice cream and spoon.

I go to the beach I lay my towel down and sit there think and eat my ice cream while the sun goes down.

"I figured you'd be here" a voice says scaring me. I turn around to see Zay standing there with my favorite candy.


Helloo people comment puh leasee. ik early chapter right.

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