A filly a filly a filly

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Heavens pov ...

I woke up in the dark. My body naked, covered in a sheet. Lucas lay by my side. I walk over to the bathroom to examine my self. My inner thigh was covered in blood. All the times I saw blood between my legs I lose a baby.

"Babe whats wrong why are you crying?" he asks, I look up at him. I looked into his eyes he loooed genuinely concerned. "Nothing . What happened last night? Why am I bleeding?" I asked him wiping tears.

"I don't know we were umm yah know them you just cumed and it was a pinkish color." he says, "Oh well can you take me to the doctors?" I ask, getting a rag to clean my inner thighs.

I got my clothes on and just thru up every where. It wouldnt stop coming out. I sat down, Lucas looked at me and I looked at him and shook my head."You didnt!" I say to him. "I just want another baby" he says. "So you get me high then have sex with me with out protection. Are you serious I thought you were better than that!" I say careful not to wake my kids up.

"Why in the hell would I rape you I mean you was riding me at first then you told me to fvck you till u go numb and I guess I did" he says brushing his teeth.

"Another baby just isn't in our thing right now. You know that I want to have more kids when were married. And were more settled and ..." I trail off.

"Dj is older" he finishes, he whines and does his littke pout that is so cute. I walk out of the room and wake the kids up. I get them washed up bathed and ready to go. Dj hates getting up early in weekends but I gotta go to the doctors.

"Heaven Marie Lopez" they doctor calls out. We all nod and stand up we walk over to the doctor he leads us to the office.

"Well after intercourse I noticed blood in between my thigh area I thought maybe I was pregnant and lost the baby. I have a series of miscarriages before" I ssy bracing myself.

"You can take the kids to the front office andd have them watched so we can further discuss this." he says.


He sticks this ultra sound thing that goes into your vagina in my vagina. I ignored the pleasure, "Thump.Thump.Thump." was all I heard.

"Congratulations your pregnant. actually to be exact 3 weeks pregnant!" the doctor smiles. I look over to Lucas who has a big grin on his face.

"I love you baby!" he says pecking my lips.

"I love me too" I laugh to myself.


"I love you too Lukey!"


never have I ever written a short chaoter this is like a quickie smh haha I got yall tmrw though I promise and if I dont blow ip my notifications or blow my kik up till I do youfoundkimmy no spaces

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