One year anniversary

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One year anniversary by graces101

Stiles is laying on his back on his bed naked, admiring the his big bad Alpha boyfriend striping his clothes off very slowly. He started with his shirt, Stiles really wanted to lick that hard rock 6 pack that he had. Stiles was getting harder and harder every second. 'How did I get lucky enough to get such a hot sexy boyfriend' Stiles thought. Stiles really didn't know how it happened it just did.


Stiles just got home from school and was eager to get started on his werewolf research that he had to leave last night to go to sleep before Danny comes over to do lab work. He threw his bag on the floor not caring were it lands and turned his computer on.

"STILES?", that was Stiles' fathers voice coming from the stairs. Stiles turned to answer him.

"Yo D.." Stiles paused when he saw Derek standing in the corner "Derek", Derek just gave him a mini heart attack. They heard John walking up the stairs. Stiles quickly reacted to meet his dad half way, he really didn't want to explain why a wanted fugitive was in his bedroom.

"What did you just say?" John said curiously.

"I said yo dad" Stiles said hoping his dad would believe him.

"Listen Ive got something i need to take care of but i'm going to be there tonight for your first game" John said.

"My first game" 'Shit' Stiles thought, he completely forgot about that. "Great, awesome ... good"

John smiled "Im very happy for you" he paused "and I'm really proud of you"

"Thanks, me to I'm happy and ... proud .... of myself" 'Why the hell did I just say that' Stiles thought.

John hugs Stiles

John looks at Stiles curiously "See you there" he said walking back down the stairs.

"Yeah take it easy" Stiles sighed with relief and walked back into his room and closed the door. he almost forgot that Derek was in his room, until he shoved him up against the door and held him there. 'I really shouldn't have, but he really like how Derek manhandles me, it shows how Derek is powerful and sexy, wait did I just say sexy' Stiles thought.

"If you say one word ..." Derek got cut off by Stiles.

"Yeah like what, hey dad Derek Hale's in my room, bring your gun" Stiles whispered, thats all he could do, he was so scared at the moment. Derek eased off him for a moment but still had him up against the door.

'Stop it Derek, stop it' Derek thought to himself. 'He just threatened you with his dad's gun and your liking it, NO IM NOT' Derek eased off him for a moment but still had him up against the door. 'Shit, I'm in trouble, not only did I love how Stiles stood up to me but my wolf loved it to' Derek thought. Derek couldn't stop staring at Stiles wet, pick, kissable lips, he wanted to kiss him so bad' Derek thought.

'You know what he smells like Derek' Derek's wolf said to Derek in his head.

'No he can't be' Derek thought.

'But he is, he's our' the wolf said getting cut off.

'Don't say it' Derek thought.


An hour later

'Thank god that Danny over, after Derek held me up against the wall its been really awkward' Stiles thought. 'Maybe he knew that I liked it, OH NO, PLEASE NO, he can't know that, but shit what if he does' Stiles thought. 'Quick he's looking at you write something down'. 'I really don't know whats wrong with him, every time Danny touches me I swear I can hear Derek growling' Stiles thought.

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