Why Can't We Be Friends

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Why Can't We Be Friends by bandgeek4547


Derek didn't know how he had let himself get talked into this. He is a 23-year old college graduate; he should not be out delivering pizzas on a Friday night so that his little sister can go on a date. But unfortunately, due to years of practice, Cora is a master at manipulating Derek into doing things for her she does not want to do herself. So rather than ask any of her coworkers to cover her shift, she let the owner (who had always had at least one of the Hale kids working for her for the past decade) know that Derek might be helping out every now and again because "he has nothing better to do right now so he might as well let his baby sister have a social life". Which led to Derek finding himself forced into his old Pizza Hut uniform, which was almost uncomfortably tight, and driving around doing something he swore he would never do again after he graduated high school.

His evening had been pretty dull so far when he pulled up to a large house that he vaguely remembered belonging to Beacon Hills' high end attorney. He steps back after ringing the doorbell and watches another car turn onto the quiet street. This wouldn't have held his attention for long except for the fact that he can see the Dominos sign attached to the top of it. He recalled Laura calling him last year for her weekly update on Beacon Hills' gossip, and she had been absolutely livid that another pizza chain would even think of setting up shop. "Pizza Hut has been the only pizza delivery place in Beacon Hills for almost twenty years! Just think of what the loss of business could do to poor Mrs. Nguyen!" She had continued along in a similar way for 15 minutes before Derek had finally interrupted her and asked about Cora and school. At the time he hadn't cared at all about another pizza place being built, he was 3 hours away at college and he couldn't be bothered with the business politics of Beacon Hills. But now, being in his old uniform and having talked to Mrs. Nguyen earlier, he felt a strange protectiveness over the place that had employed most of his family at one time or another. He sees the Dominos car, an old blue jeep, pull up in front of the same house he is standing outside of and he can feel a slight scowl form on his face. Right then he hears a voice yell from inside the house, "I'll be there in just a minute!"

Derek sighs and shifts his weight so that he is leaning against the outside of the house and watches as a young man nearly falls out of the jeep. He catches himself on the car door and then leans back into the car to grab the pizza boxes off the passenger seat. As he backs himself out, Derek hears a dull thunk as the man bashes his back of his head on the car roof. Derek suppresses a grin and thinks to himself that injuring himself must be a common occurrence for this boy because he continues moving without a pause. In fact the only sign that the boy even notices braining himself against a metal roof is that Derek can see, as he steps into the light of a street lamp, he is muttering angrily to himself. To Derek's annoyance the boy continues to walk towards the same house Derek is waiting outside of. He has brown hair in a buzz cut and the long, lanky limbs characteristic of teenage boys who grew taller faster than they could fill out. When the boy finally glances up from the box he is carrying he sees Derek and grins. Hoping to discourage him from attempting to start a conversation Derek starts scowling again. But instead of deterring the kid, his grins grows wider and he says, "Hey now, don't blame me for the fact that the douchnozzle that lives here was crass enough to order from two pizza places at once." When there is no response, the kid tilts his head slightly and looks at Derek with a mischievous smile spreading across his face as he bursts into song.

"Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?"

Before Derek can get over his shock at the unexpected serenade, the front door opens to a blonde teenager who looks as if he is ready to kill the singing boy. "Stilinski, shut the fuck up!" "Douchemore, hand me the money so I can leave. And really, ordering pizza from the two competing pizza businesses in town? Talk about a dick move." The teenage customer starts counting out exact change, which he then hands to the kid, Stilinski, with a flourish and a smirk. He continues to smirk as he pulls a twenty out of his back pocket and hands it to Derek saying, "Keep the change." He then grabs both pizza boxes and shuts the door.

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