Give Your Heart A Break

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Give Your Heart A Break by Hao-The-Angel-Of-Darkness


"The day I, first met you,
You told me you'd never fall in love."

Stiles rubbed his eyes, he hadn't slept all night and it was starting to get to him. He walked over and dropped down on his bed to get some kind of sleep. As he laid down and stared at the ceiling his thoughts started to wander. They brought him back to when he and Scott first met Derek. The dude was so stern and serious, he wouldn't crack a smile ever. Though it seemed things got a bit better now, at least he smiled ever once in a great while now. Stiles rolled over and shoved his arm under his pillow before letting himself sleep on these thoughts.

"But now, that I get you,
I know fear is what it really was."

During school Stiles let his mind wander again, this time on the subject of Derek and his emotions. At first Stiles wondered if he had a heart at all, but as he had gotten to know the older werewolf his view on him basically did a 180. Something told Stiles that Derek hid his emotions because he was afraid something like what happened before would come back and hit him again. Stiles knew what it felt like to lose family and he wouldn't ever wish that feeling on anyone. Especially Derek.

"Now here we are, so close, yet so far."

Stiles and Derek often seemed similar in more ways than they were different and yet they were complete opposites. It was like they were two sides of a coin, were they were the same they were also different. They both lost family and they both dealt with it differently. They both found love a bit of a difficult thing and yet Stiles knew that if Derek wanted he could have anyone he wanted, whereas Stiles could never seem to get anything or anyone. So they were so close and yet so far.

"Haven't I passed the test?
When will, you realize,
Baby I'm not like the rest"

Stiles didn't know exactly when but at one point he started to fall in love with Derek. Not that he would ever tell anyone. But he did wonder if he could ever have a chance with the brooding werewolf. They had done so much for each other in the past and Stiles started to wonder if it was all just because or if there was reason behind it all. He decided that if this was something, if there was an alternate reason behind why Derek continued to save his life he was going to act on it. He just had to find a way to convince Derek that he wasn't like everyone else.

"Don't wanna break your heart,
Wanna give your heart a break.
I know you're scared it's wrong,
Like you might make a mistake.
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait(to waste)".

Stiles had heard the story of what Kate did to Derek's family and how Derek felt it was his fault. That had to be the worst case of heart break in the history of heart break. Stiles found himself wanting to reach out and give the man a break from everything else. He knew that Derek was scared that what they had was wrong that he could easily make a mistake and everything would come crashing down.

"So let me give your heart a break,
Give your heart a break,
Let me give your heart a break,
Your heart a break,"

Stiles wasn't going to let go just like that. Nope. He felt this need to give Derek a break, he felt like it was his job, like if he didn't do it no one would. And that scared him, that Derek could be hurting like this forever, so now he made this his personal mission. He was going to make sure Derek had a break from all the heartache he's had

"On Sunday, you went home, alone,
There were tears in your eyes"

That day Stiles had gone home before it was all over. He knew he was leaving Derek to go home alone. After getting back to Scott's house he realized this was probably stupid and he should have told Derek. But Scott had gotten him all excited about the new game he got that he completely spaced it out.

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