Sliced Bread

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Sliced Bread by PaigeRhiann


It was after Derek became Alpha that Stiles started feeling it.

At first it was little things; when his eyes momentarily flashed red or a smile tugged at his lips, he couldn't stop it – Stiles' heart began to beat just a little faster. It soon got worse, even just small things like when Derek walked into the room or spoke and when he growled.

Holy crap, growling really got Stiles going.

And when he was sat directly next to Scott and Derek was just across the room; he had be in control. He needed to control his heartbeat, his breathing and most of all; he had to stop thinking of undressing the Alpha because otherwise they'd smell the lust, the want and the desire that was coursing through him.

Usually, when it came to Derek, Stiles kept out of his way. He'd started to avoid the old Hale house in order to avoid the remaining Hale. And he only hung out with Scott when he knew there was no change of Derek coming in through the window (although, this meant he never hung out with Scott because he was always Allison and Stiles was defiantly not going to be a third wheel). And in the unfortunate event where they ended up in the same room, Stiles would literally stand and walk out, not even bothering to make some crappy excuse.

Stiles kept his avoidance tactics up for nearly two weeks until one night where Stiles was sat at his desk, doing some research about different types of Wolfsbane when he heard the window squeak slightly.

He jumped and span his chair round to be met with a very angry looking Derek. His jaw tight, fists clenched and eyes going from green to red every few seconds, as if he were doing his very best to stay in his human state.

"Derek" Stiles said, trying to breathe steadily.

"What the hell is your problem?" he asked, voice rough and strained.

"I-I don't know what..." he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "... you mean" he finished lamely.

"You're avoiding me." Derek said, taking a step forward.

Stiles couldn't help but swallow and he began to sweat a little. "You're a little... angry. And I'm breakable so please don't wolf-out and kill me" he gulped again and his heart started beating faster as Derek's eyes flashed red again. "St-Stop with the eye thing" he gestured quickly to his own eyes.

"You know as well as I do that you like my eyes" he grumbled, glancing around the room before taking yet another step toward the younger boy.

Stiles was abruptly reduced to a blubbering mess as he tried to form an actual sentence. He pressed himself back against his desk as Derek crowded into his personal space and put a hand either side of him.

"Just, tell me... what" he sighed "Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not?" he answered, and it was probably the worse lie he'd ever told.


"Alright, I'm avoiding you" he shrugged, "but why do you care? You don't even like me... I'd thought you'd be pretty happy about it"

"Well, I'm not" he mumbled and they're proximity was beginning to make Stiles a little woozy because he was putting so much effort into his control and all the while he felt like he wanted to throw up because he genuinely believes that this time, Derek really is going to kill him.

"Umm... Why?" he asked, the question hanging in the air.

There was silence for several seconds until Derek sighed again and pressed their bodies together completely.

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