something unexpected

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something unexpected by COOKIEMONSTER500


Over the past couple of weeks Derek had been even more annoying then usual, he completely ignored Stile's ideas, he stopped inviting him to pack meetings, he kept giving Stiles really weird looks and Stiles was fed up.

Every time he said anything Derek would carry on with whatever he was doing. One day Stiles just didn't know what to do, Scott was busy with Allison, and there was no way in hell Stiles was hanging out with Jackson and Lydia.

His dad was at work, the internet and cable were down, he had absolutely nothing to do, and that is how he found himself driving over to the Hale house, he wanted answers. He got there, locked the door.

"Derek, I know you're here, I'm not an idiot, you have the social skills of a Panda, but even they listen and give you hugs, I went to a zoo when I was younger, there was a baby panda and I got to sit next to it, I talked to it and it sat there completely still, looking at me then when i finished it hugged me, as if he was listening." Stiles says

"Are you sure he wasn't just trying to suffocate you so you would stop talking" Derek retorts.

"if your just going to insult me then I'll go."

"No...sorry...I...uh..aah" Derek splutters

"Wow I think that's the only non threatening thing you said to me, like ever."

"That's not true."

"Name one time, just one."

"Ummmm...ooh, when the kanema had paralyzed me and you dragged me into the pool. I said thank you."

"Yes but you also said that you would, i quote 'rip me into a million different pieces if you ever did that again."

"Yeah but you basically left me to drown."

"No, I went to call Scott so he could help, then I pulled you up, don't be so over dramatic."

"I was paralyzed for gods sake, if you left me just a little bit longer, I would have died!"

"Yeah and now i'm thinking that that wouldn't have been such a bad idea." He sneers back. Stiles was just about to get into his car when Derek ran over and slammed the door shut.

"Dude, you could have sliced of my finger, gosh!"

"Now your being over dramatic" Derek said accusingly. He slowly moved into Stiles' space, and Stiles backed out of the way, out of habit, usually when Derek comes this close to Stiles it means that he was going to be thrown against the wall. He brought his hands up to his face protectively and trembled a little bit.

"Hey, hey what are you doing." Derek asks soothingly

" don't...I don't" Stiles splutters, then Derek reaches for the boys arm but Stiles flinches and jumps out of the way.

"Stiles, I wasn't going to hurt you, I wont hurt you."

"That didn't stop you before. You know its OK, I know you don't class me as part of your pack an-"

"Stiles I-"

"And I can be annoying, I argue back, I talk too much, I speak before I think, I understand if you don't accept me into your pack."

"Stiles that's the problem! I do accept you into my pack, I want you in the pack, yes you argue back, but when you do you always run your hands through you hair and do crazy hand motions, and you talk all lot but when you do your eyes dart around the room like your watching a squash match, your also very annoying as you think I'm ignoring you because I don't like you, its the opposite, I'm ignoring you because I like you, I really like you but when I talk to you I cant take my eyes off of your eyes, when you argue I have the sudden urge to kiss you right there and then, in-front of everyone!"

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