Can I get it?

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Can I get it? by ZacTy2010


Derek walked with Stiles in the mall, who looking in the shop windows to see if there was anything he liked. Derek wasn't much of a shopper, but he tagged along to avoid the "We should spend more time together" speech from Stiles. Derek hadn't really been paying attention to anything the boy was saying, but he occasionally caught a few words. It wasn't until he heard the smaller boy gasp, when he set his full attention on him.

Derek let out a defensive low growl, thinking someone was trying to attack his mate. He then realized Stiles wasn't even beside him anymore. He looked around, slowly starting to panic, in search of him. "Derek! Come here! Look!" he heard Stiles yell from across the mall. Derek mentally smacked himself and walked over to him. He found the boy with his face pressed up against the glass of what he found out to be a pet store.

Stiles grinned from ear to ear as he watched the small black puppy in the window. It was running around playing with the toys in its little cage. The puppy was furry and black, almost like a miniature Derek if he were in wolf form. "Can I get it?" Stiles asked like a kid in a candy store.

"No." Derek replied sternly, earning a heart breaking stare from Stiles. He had to admit, it was one of his cuter faces. He held back a grin and continued to give Stiles a serious look. "What would you do with a puppy? Do I have to remind you about your goldfish story?"

Stiles jaw dropped. "You can't use that against me! It was an accident! I was 7!"

"Mentally, you still are sometimes." Derek said jokingly, putting an arm around his boyfriends shoulder to drag him along.

"But I've never had a puppy before!" Stiles protested. "My Mom was allergic to dogs."

Derek rolled his eyes. As much as he would like to get Stiles that puppy, he knew he would be the one having to take care of it. "I'm sorry Stiles, but I can't let you have it." He said, looking down at the boy. Stiles head fell in defeat.

Derek took a deep breath and turned to face his boyfriend. "Hey, how can you say you never had a puppy before?" he asked, lifting Stiles chin. "You have me." He said with a confident grin.

Stiles face made its way into a grin. "How could I forget?" He said, leaning up to give Derek a kiss. Stiles pulled away with the smile still on his face. "So can I get the puppy?"

Derek groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fine, come on, We'll get you the puppy." He said taking Stiles hand and turning back to the pet store. "Yes!" Stiles cheered, throwing a fist into the air.

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