Summer Fling

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It was meant to just be a summer fling.

Just something that they'd both enjoy and forget about once school let back in.

Derek was looking for someone to keep his mind off of everything supernatural in his life.

And Stiles was just looking for something to keep him occupied for the two months out of school.

Nothing was supposed to happen.

They were supposed to kiss, spend time together, and fool around.

Stiles wasn't supposed to start blushing every time Derek looked at him.

Derek wasn't supposed to start scenting the human.

But that's what happened.

One week they're just...fuck buddies. Two people that make out in the back seat of Derek's Camaro, and fool around in the back seat of Stiles' Jeep.

And the next week, they...unwillingly...more. Two people that have actual conversations during dinner, and innocently kiss each other good night. Two people that don't have sex just for the hell of it. Two people about each other.

And they both hate it.

Derek because he's Seventeen, going on Eighteen, and is going into his Senior year of High School. And the last thing he needs is to be tied down to someone.

Stiles because he's young and he's reckless, and he doesn't want to be anyone's arm accessory.

But...things don't go the way they want them to.

Because instead of spending their days in blissful afterglow, like Derek had wanted at the beginning of summer, they're laying on the beach and watching the stars. They're kissing in the summer rain in the park by the slides. They're sneaking out in the middle of the night...just to sit on the park swings and talk.

And instead of spending his summer groping an insanely hot upper classman...Stiles is getting butterflies because Derek's taking him out to the Summer County Fair.

Instead of making out inappropriately every chance they get, they're pecking and cuddling and holding hands.

And the worst part is that they both like things this way.

Derek likes the fact that Stiles chuckles and blushes whenever they cuddle and watch stupid Disney movies.

Stiles likes that Derek wins him a teddy bear at the fair and makes a big show of handing it over.

Derek likes that his sisters absolutely love Stiles.

And Stiles likes the way Derek wraps his arms around him and shows him off every chance the older boy gets.

Their relationship was supposed to end the Sunday before school started.

They had agreed.

They had agreed that what they did that summer was nothing. That it was a 'no stings attached' situation.

But...that didn't happen.

They didn't forget.

They didn't move on.

They didn't even talk about it!

And that first day of school, for some unknown reason, they ride to school together.

Derek walked Stiles to class.

Stiles kissed Derek goodbye. In front of everyone.

And they got stares from everyone.

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