Far Away

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Far Away by C.C. Nyde


Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf.

This is based on a song by Cosmo Jarvis called Gay Pirates. Look it up. It's sad and wonderful at the same time.

Warnings: Violence. Mentions of past sexual abuse, but nothing graphic. Also, main character death.

When Stiles decided he wanted to see the world, there was no changing his mind. He was prepared to brave anything, be it the land or the sea, so long as he got away from his too big house and too small family.

After his mother died, his home felt empty. His dad tried, he really did, but Stiles was an excitable boy and couldn't always be tamed to his father's liking. Finally, the day Stiles turned 18, his father gave him permission to go, just so long as he promised to come home and visit eventually. Stiles laughed, hugged his dad, and then set off.

Two years later, Stiles finally began to regret his decision. The boat he'd been recruited to after going through basic training with his friend Scott's father, who was a retired seaman, was too small and constantly smelled of rotting wood. The walls leaked whenever they hit a particularly large wave and the bunking spaces were crowded. He seldom got a good night's sleep. He would rather have walked the plank into the churning waters and never come back than spend another day on that damn boat.

Then Derek came when they had their first raid. Suddenly the sun was warmer and the sea was crystal blue and the rotting smell went away and was replaced by a musky smell of sea mixed with something so completely Derek that it made Stiles never want to be away from him. Something told Stiles that Derek felt the same way, so he kissed him late one night, the boat rocking beneath their feet and the sounds of the crew playing music on the deck. It was sweet and unexpected, and the two men were inseparable from that moment on.

Unfortunately, one of the crewmembers that had always disliked Stiles's attitude, Jackson, learned of their relationship and revealed it to the rest of the crew. They weren't happy.

"You wear 'em all day with no complaints, or that pretty boy o' yours is gonna pay." Jackson whispers in Stiles's ear, handing him a pair of sandals with shards of glass sticking out of the bottoms. Stiles looks him in the eyes, never wavering, and shoves his feet into the shoes. Jackson smirks and releases the scruff of Stiles's shirt.

It isn't the first time he's been "punished" for being in love with Derek. They've beaten him in the past, kicking and punching and making him bleed and he always crawls into bed with bruises that Derek comes and kisses away in the early morning.

The punishments usually happen on the deck for all the crew to see, but there've been instances with singular mates. They hold him down and tear into him and those are the nights when he crawls into Derek's bed and makes him do more than kiss the pain away. He makes Derek mend him and take away the dirty feeling. Derek's not like the rest. He goes slow and careful and makes sure it's as good for Stiles as it is for him and on the nights when it's all too much, he brings Stiles to the peak without getting himself off and then holds Stiles as he cries. He's gentle and caring and it's always exactly what Stiles needs after a night of abuse. Derek's always there.

Stiles looks down at his already bleeding feet and winces. He's just about to climb the stairs from down below when a whisper catches his attention.

"Stiles!" Derek calls from beneath the stairs, near some barrels of gunpowder. Stiles hobbles over to him, throwing himself against the larger man and kissing him fervently. Derek feels the slide of tears from Stiles and pushes back, holding him at arm's length. "What did that wretch say to you, my love?" He asks, and Stiles shakes his head.

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