Night Drive

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Night Drive by Lord Rekhyt


Disclaimer:Obviously, I don't own Teen Wolf in any way shape or form... Gah, I'm so sick of writing disclaimers.

Warnings:This is maleXmale, so if you don't like it, well, stop searching for it... and don't read this.

Based on the song Night Drive, by Jimmy Eat World.

Night Drive

A silence had spread throughout the building, and the light had begun to shift into hues of pink and orange, signaling that it was the end of another day. I could hear a few people in the offices around mine, saying goodbye for the weekend or making plans to get drinks, and I picked up a thin sheaf of papers, sliding them into my briefcase as someone stepped through the doorway behind me and stood there, watching me. I could feel eyes drilling a hole into my skull, but I pointedly ignored it, assuming it was Lydia. She had been trying to get me to meet her for a drink all week, wanting to set me up with her cousin, and I was running out of excuses to say no. When it became apparent that she wasn't going to leave, I sighed deeply.

"For the last time, Lydia," I said wearily, "I can't go out with you tonight. I have plans."

"What plans would those be?"

I froze in place, my blood somehow turning to ice and boiling at the same time. The voice that replied hadn't been high and female, but deep, gravelly, and very male. And not just any male, either.

Trying to act cool, I turned and looked up at the roguishly handsome state senator, but his grin disarmed me instantly, and I hoped that the fading light would hide my blush.

"I thought you were Lydia." I stated dumbly.

"I noticed." He replied, his smile making his green eyes twinkle like chips of jade. "How are things running here, Stillinski? Is everything still on track?"

For a moment I just stared at him blankly, caught up in his smile. His grin broadened, and I shook my head. "Yes, Senator Hale. We're still waiting on a few reports, namely from Lahey and Whittemore, and heaven only knows if and when I'll get them, considering that Jackson's always either out partying or trying to get into Lydia's pants, and Isaac is currently out sick, but who knows, maybe they'll surprise me."

Derek Hale chuckled, exposing his pearly white teeth. "How did you manage to fit all of that into one sentence, Stiles?"

"Lack of sleep, lots of Adderall, and plenty coffee..." I joked with a roll of my eyes.

Derek shook his head in amusement.

"So, Stiles..." His voice had dropped to a hypnotic, husky whisper, "Did you really have plans tonight? Because I was thinking we could take a drive up to our spot..."

My legs turned to jelly, and I could swear my eyes crossed for a moment. The logical side of my brain told me, as it did every time, to say no. But when he flashed that smile again my will crumbled away into dust. That smile could melt a puppy.

Derek raised an eyebrow, and I realized I hadn't taken a breath in a while. Gulping in some air, I attempted to reply. "Y – Yeah.. Say around six in the square?"

"Can't wait." He said in a menacingly seductive kind of way. Adjusting his tie a little, he spoke in a normal tone again. "Lahey can turn his report in late, provided he supplies a doctor's note, but tell Whittemore that if he continues to slack off I'm going to –"

"Tear out his throat with your teeth." I finished for him, grinning. "Got it." Derek gave me a bemused look and walked out of my office. Grabbing my briefcase I left too, wanting to get home and change into something more casual than a suit before meeting with Derek.

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