The Lists

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The Lists by bucktooth22


Derek was a man, with man parts and everything, and Stiles had to admit he liked Derek's man parts. But the things that made him Derek were the reasons Stiles loved him. He'd begun making a list:

1. His growl: when Derek gets upset he makes this sexy growly noise in his throat that can make a man pee his pants, or in Stiles's case, wet his pants another way.

2. His protective/possessive-ness: He's a wolf. He demands complete loyalty and respect and if someone threatens to mess up what Derek deems his family, well, things can get ugly.

3. He's touchy: not in the way that initiates contact. He just likes the implications that go along with it. The small gestures, hand holding, and stuff. He really goes for that stuff. He'd never reach out and take Stiles's hand but if Stiles misses the opportunity to touch his mate, he'll certainly regret it later, Derek'll see to it.

4. He's a cuddle bunny: when Stiles sleeps over with Derek he'll wake up to the warm embrace of Derek's sleeping form.

5. He's a total badass: he'll not hesitate to rip someone apart. With his teeth.

6. His scary face: is it bad that it doesn't scare Stiles anymore? It just turns him on at this point.

7. His alpha male routine: everyone knows Derek likes to be top dog, literally, but when it comes to his mate, Derek can be more...pliable.

8. Derek is a sweetie pie: he'll bring Stiles flowers on their anniversary, and put up with all Stiles's shenanigans, and kiss him goodnight, and take care of him, but if anyone snickers, or teases, they'll get their regular old sour wolf alpha. The sweetness is reserved for Stiles alone.

9. His smile: Derek is a sourwolf. Plain and simple. So on the rare occasion when Stiles, and only Stiles, can coax the smile out of him, it is a sight to behold.

10. On the threat of dying of sap and sounding too gay: he completes me.

That's what makes Derek, Derek. Ten things. Stiles may add to it as time goes on, but for now, he'll love those ten special things and try to be as good to Derek as Derek is to him. Derek was just that kinda man, and Stiles was his mate. And maybe, if Stiles showed Derek his list, Derek might make a lost of his own, about the things he loved in Stiles. Stiles snorted. As if!

Derek started his list with Stiles hovering over his shoulder but added the last two when Stiles wasn't looking.

1. Talks. A lot. In a good way. I like the way he rambles, even if I pretend not to. I mean it can get annoying but it's kinda cute.

2. He's an amazing cook.

3. He takes care of me and the pack.

4. He's cute when he talks about all those stupid shows he watches in his own little geeky way.

5. He's cold. Cold like, opposite to werewolf, weird old man cold, and it's nice. It cools me off.

6. He keeps me out of trouble sometimes.

7. He makes me happy.

8. He loves me

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