A Mother's Trait

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A Mother's Trait by Nature.Calls


"Hey!" Stiles called, throwing his book bag against the railing of the staircase before descending into the "Wolf's Den" as he so called it. To be honest he hated that their main meeting grounds was the warehouse. He detested this warehouse for two reasons. On basic principle alone, that a bunch of a teenagers (and one older gentleman) should not be living in a warehouse. It just wasn't sanitary. The other reason was it was a fucking abandoned warehouse. How was that not creepy to anyone else?

"Hey mommy!" Erica called and though Stiles couldn't see her, he could hear that stupid, cat like-because really it wasn't sinister enough to be wolfish- grin she always adorned when teasing someone. The words weren't enough to stop him in his tracks until Isaac mimicked the blonde.

"You have a good day mom?" No, this time Stiles stopped at the base of the stairs, honey eyes trailing from one werewolf to the next. Everyone in the room was wearing a grin; from Erica to Isaac to Boyd to Scott to Allison and hell even Derek had a small smirk on his lips.

"What?" It wasn't a very calculated response, but it was the only one that Stiles could actually conjure.

"It's a joke dude." Scott smiled and when Stiles didn't return the smile he explained more, "You know, you're always taking care of us. You're the pack mom." Stiles stood there for another couple seconds and all the supernatural creatures in the room felt it before they actually saw the tears spring into Stiles eyes and he ran back up the stairs, cursing himself all the way.

He didn't stop until his jeep was on the outskirts of town on the side of the road; tears flowing freely now as he climbed out and sat on an embankment, overlooking the valley Beacon Hills resided in. Stiles let out a small frustrated scream and pounded his fists on the ground, sliding them under his knees where he clasped his hands together. Could he be anymore stupid? He just started balling in front of people. Tough, hardened werewolves-and one human- nonetheless. The hot, angry tears dripped on to his gray t-shirt and he let out a shaky sigh. There'd be no use in having a panic attack, especially since he left his inhaler in his bag, which just happened to be at the warehouse still.


"What just happened?" Isaac asked, breaking the shocked silence the group had been sitting in since Stiles stormed out.

"He does realize it was just a joke right?" Boyd finally spoke. He wasn't going to openly call Stiles 'mom' like Erica and Isaac did, but then again he wasn't really a trouble maker in the pack.

"You don't think we went too far calling him mom do you?" Allison asked, mainly directing the question to Scott. Scott's body was tense and everyone already knew they had their answer.

"I guess I didn't realize how sensitive he really is about it."

"Shouldn't you? You are his best friend?" Erica sniped and Scott glared at her. He could have punched her right then and there since she was the one who started all this.

"Yeah, but he's been able to talk about his mom in the past. He stopped having panic attacks in eighth grade. I figured it would be fine."

"Panic attacks?" Derek spoke, eyes hazed by sorrow and empathy.

"Yeah. He's had them since his mom....died, but it's been so long since he's had one I thought it would be okay. I mean, shit, I'm an idiot, of course this wouldn't fine. He doesn't even speak to anyone about his mom. He's mentioned something about her several times to me but that's it."

"You couldn't have known how he would have reacted." Allison gripped Scott's arm tightly, trying to reason with him.

"Yes, I could of. There are three days a year that Stiles will shut himself up and not bother with the world. Mother's day, her birthday and the anniversary of her death. Usually two of those fall on school days, which he skips all together." All the wolves looked ashamed and hurt for their fellow packmate. Maybe they hadn't honestly thought this through. Derek was suddenly up on his feet and out of the door, trailing Stiles' scent.

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