One Night and One More Time

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One Night and One More Time by Sushi Chi


"Look," Jackson said, forcing himself into Derek's apartment, "I get that you don't want to come to my party, but you're coming to my party."

Derek crossed his arms and tried to block Jackson's path before he got deeper into Derek's house. "No."

"You need to RSVP, Hale." Jackson ordered, "And as I'm standing right here-"

"After barging into my home." Derek commented.

"-you can just RSVP with me." Jackson paused for a second, "Oh, you plan to come? That's great. I'll tell the cooks."

"Damn it Jackson, I don't want to go to your stupid party." Derek growled out.

"You will come." Jackson glared, "I almost hit you with my porsche that one day. This is how I'm apologizing for that."

"By making me go to a party I don't want to go to?" Derek said slowly. "I don't think you know what an apology is."

"You used to come." Jackson pointed out, "Every year that you were invited."

"Laura made me." Derek defended himself.

Jackson nodded, "I always figured. But now Laura's dead. Killed by your uncle. Tragic, I assure you. But the fact remains that you belong at my party and you are coming."

"You don't even like me." Derek said.

"I don't like most of the people who are invited." Jackson pointed out.

"Then why do you invite them?" Derek asked.

"Because they're loaded. That's what the party is, or did you never catch that fact?" Jackson sneered, "It's a party for the people of Beacon Hills who are well-off. You and Laura qualified after your family died."

"I can't believe you have a party just for people who have an excess of money." Derek paused for a beat, "Wait, nope. I can believe it."

Jackson gave Derek a pointed look before turning around. When he was almost out the door, he yelled back, "I would give you a plus one, but we both know you won't be bringing a date."


"Stiles, honey," Lydia said, sitting comfortably on a chair that looked anything but, "just pick a sofa."

Stiles bounced on a white sectional, "But what if this isn't the one?"

"Then you buy another one?" Lydia shrugged, "You've got enough money that if you end up not liking that sectional, you can come and buy another."

"But that would be a waste of money." Stiles frowned, "And time and-"

Lydia rested her face in her hands and sighed deeply before looking back up at him, "Do you like that sofa?"

"Yes?" Stiles hesitated.

"Do you want it in white?" Lydia asked.

"No?" Stiles said slowly, "If I spill something on it-"

"You can get it cleaned. White is more classy. You'll go with the white one." Lydia nodded to herself.

"But Lydia-"

"I'll go get the paperwork set up, you come to the desk in two minutes and sign the pages okay?" Nodding primly, Lydia got up and left Stiles on the sofa.

Stiles got up and started pacing before turning to the sectional, "I'm sorry, I just don't know if you're the one." Dropping his head, he walked out of the store and waited for Lydia to come out and yell at him.

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