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Decisions by S.Horne


"It is not his name!"

"Yes it is!" Stiles protested, pouting his lips.

Derek rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time that day. "It's unusual; no one will be able to say it."

"He can join my club" Stiles said sarcastically.

Derek squinted down at the note in his hand, "it just looks like you've sneezed on the paper." At his husband's indignant squawk – which he is so going to remember for future teasing – he persisted with a low growl. "Stiles, can't we pick a normal name?"

Stiles waved his hands, "the name literally means 'wolf' – it's perfect!"

Derek ran a hand through his hair. "It's weird!"

The younger slapped Derek on the arm and shot him a reproachful glare. "It's not weird, it's unique. Just like this little one." He ended with a smile and ran his hands over his bump.

Here, the wolf couldn't argue. Instead he slid off the sofa and knelt on the floor to be face to face – well, face to bump at least – with his husband's swollen stomach. "Mgelika."

Stiles suddenly gasped and one hand flew grab Derek's shoulder. "Did you feel that?" He asked, shock across his face.

"What?" Derek sat back onto his heels, his expression immediately snapping into one of worry.

Stiles took a hold of Derek's left hand and placed it near the bottom of his bump. "Say his name again" Stiles demanded breathlessly, running a hand through the elder's hair and grinning inanely.

As soon as Derek spoke the effect was instantaneous. He stared up in wonder at Stiles when he felt their child nudge his hand.

"Did you hear that, Mgelika?" The nudging grew stronger and more pronounced. "Do you like your name?"

Stiles laughed joyfully, tears welling in his eyes. "Told you it was a kick-ass name. Talk to him again, please."

Derek was beside himself with happiness, both hands now stroking the bump as he obeyed his husband's request.

"We can't wait to meet you, Mgelika." He spoke gently with a beam on his face before looking up to Stiles. "We're really going to need to choose a nickname, and quickly."

He leant in closer to the bump at Stiles' giggles and lowered his voice to a stage-whisper. "Your Daddy is as crazy as they come, baby. He is solely responsible for your silly name – believe me I tried to stop him!"

He laughed at he felt Stiles' grip tighten in his hair. "But we love him anyway, just like we're going to love you. And we do love you, more than you will ever know."

He heard Stiles sniff quietly and mutter something about "those damn hormones" as he tried to stop the tears falling from his eyes. Derek's stifled chuckles at his husband's expense turned into full laughs as his pup kicked him on the nose through Stiles' stomach.

"I'm really going to miss that, when he's born."

"Mm, but just think about everything else we'll get instead" Stiles offered as a compromise.

"Yeah, with our little...what was it again?"


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