The Spark

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The Spark by FallenQueen2


Teen Wolf- The Spark

Stiles doesn't take the beating of Erica, Boyd and himself from Gerard lying down and uses his Spark. BAMF!Pack Mom!Stiles, Overpowered!Stiles, Sterek.

End of Season 2 and onwards is AU basically a fix it for season 3a, 3b, etc and I may or may not keep going with this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf, but I do own the idea of how Stiles' spark takes form.

The Spark

As another blow hit Stiles on the ribs, something inside of him snapped. Something Stiles hadn't accessed since he used it to make the Mountain Ash reach all the way around the building that housed the underground rave that in the end caused more harm than good.

Stiles rolled out of the way of the next vicious kick from Gerard's steel toed boot and rose to his feet silently.

"Now normally, I can take a beating old man, but you tortured my pups and I don't take kindly to that." Stiles commented lazily as he rolled his shoulders, eyes darting over to where Boyd and a tear-stained Erica were still strung up and their wide eyes were locked on the bruising teen.

"Like you can do anything." Gerard laughed as he moved forward to punch the high school kid again, Stiles leaned out of the way and grasped Gerard by the wrist before he twisted violently. Stiles smirked when he heard a crack coming from the shifting bones under his long fingers.

"Oops." Stiles chuckled as he watched Gerard stumble backwards clutching his broken wrist.

"What are you?" Gerard growled as he looked at the teen that held his arms up in front of himself.

Stiles' smile grew wider as he took in the glowing sky blue tribal markings that tattooed his bare arms and that poked out from under his torn jersey and crawled up his cheeks to where his amber eyes turned the same sky blue color were located and the tattoo's curled around his eye sockets.

"Oh little ole me?" Stiles waved his fingers towards where Erica and Boyd were strung up and right away the electrical cords dissolved and the two fell to the ground in a heap, leaning into each other for comfort out of instinct, eyes still trained on Stiles.

"I'm a Spark and I'm one very pissed off Spark." Stiles said giving Gerard a feral grin that he had seen Isaac, Peter and Derek sport at one point or another. His canines were sharper now, almost fang like actually.

"Never heard of a Spark." Gerard spat out. Stiles let his eyes flicker over to Erica and Boyd and watched in relief as the two slumped against each other unconscious and they started to fade. He had sent them back to the train depot that Derek was using as a living arrangement to hide from the hunters.

"There is a good reason for that Argent." Stiles spat out the last name as if it was poison. "But enough about me, I think you need to focus a bit more on yourself."

Stiles pointed a finger at the old man and watched as the man started to cough up black liquid as the same liquid leaked from his ears, nose, mouth and eyes.

"See that? That is the result of Mountain Ash in your blood stream I am currently manipulating it to kill you. Now normally I loathe killing, but that doesn't mean I can't and won't." Stiles said breezily, standing over the coughing form of Gerard with a dispassionate face.

Gerard hacked violently and suddenly the basement window exploded as Jackson AKA an evolved looking Kanima crawled its way across the walls in response to its master's call.

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