Flowers for You

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Flowers for You by SerenityWritesSlash


A.N: I wrote this because it's mothers day, and I've been slowly dragged into the Teen Wolf fandom so...yeah. This could be considered Sterek pre-slash, I guess. I just wanted to write about Stiles visiting his mom.


The cool May air stung at Stiles' cheeks, his grip tightened on the bouquet he held. Of all the days to be windy, it had to be this one. He sighed, turning into the Beacon Hills cemetery and frowning at the familiar headstones. Stiles had asked his father to come along, but the man had work, and this was not the first time he'd gone to see her alone.

Part of him wishes he could bring Scott, but he didn't understand. He tried, and Stiles knew he did, but his best friend wasn't the best to turn to when looking for empathy.

Stiles had been walking for rows until he finally reached her. There were some withered roses from the last time he'd visited her; just before Scott and Allison started dating. Before the wolf thing got out of hand.

"Hey, mom." He greeted the grave, crouching in front of it and holding up his bouquet. "It's been a while, so I brought you forget-me-nots." Stiles smiled, setting the flowers down next to the old ones.

"Okay, bad joke. Things have just been kind of crazy, lately." Stiles mumbled, not sure why talking to a rock with some letters on it made him feel so calm. "Dad almost lost his job because of me, and Lydia almost went completely psycho... Sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane one, y'know?"

There was a snort from behind him, "Please, you're just as crazy as the rest of us."

Jumping, Stiles whipped around and felt his cheeks heat up. He wasn't supposed to be seen like this! It didn't help that of all people, Derek Hale was staring down at him. The alpha had his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and he didn't look as intimidating as usual (but he was still kind of terrifying).

"What're you doing here?" Stiles asked, frowning at the older man.

Derek gave him an unimpressed look, "You don't have a monopoly on dead mothers, Stiles."

"Oh," Stiles blinked, paling. "Shit, I totally forgot."

Derek merely snorted again, "Right. I see you're just as awkward around tombstones as you are around people."

Stiles flushed, "At least I can talk to them without death threats in every other sentence."

To his surprise, Derek knelt down where Stiles had previously been. "This your mom?" He turned to Stiles, and the other boy nodded. Facing the grave, Derek let out a small huff that was not quite human, but not quite animal.

"Don't blame yourself, it only makes it worse." The alpha suddenly said, and Stiles let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

"Okay, on a less depressing matter, I'm going to get something to eat." Stiles stretched, and Derek slowly stood back to his normal height. "This is a long-shot, but wanna tag along, sourwolf?"

Derek's eyes widened, "You'd been seen in a public place with me? Scratch that- you actually want me to come with you?"

Stiles laughed, "Don't push it, I'm feeling friendly." He risked clapping Derek on the shoulder, ignoring the small moment of fear he had when the werewolf glared at him.

"Fine. But only because I'm hungry." Derek grumbled, and Stiles let a victorious fist fly into the air. They trudged away from the grave of his mother, heading for Stiles' jeep.

"So, veggie burgers?" Stiles suggested, only to be frowned at. "Oh, right. Carnivore."

"I'm actually craving ice-cream." Derek stated, after a few moments of silence. Stiles resisted the urge to laugh at how serious he sounded over something so unimportant.

"Do you bite into it like a badass?" He grinned, teasingly.

"Shut up, Stiles."

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