Heart Of Gold

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Heart Of Gold by notreallygotalife


1. Scott.

"Stiles, man." Stiles stopped on his way to Chemistry. His head spun round and he waited, more patient than usual, for Scott to catch up. The boy looked a little worse for wear. His hand was running through his hair, belt was squint and his t-shirt was crumpled.

"Hey," Stiles said, eyebrows raised. "You alright, man? You're not looking so good."

Scott shook his head, smiling a small smile at his best mate. "I'm alright, mate."

"You sure?" Stiles asked, pulling his bag further up his shoulder. Scott nodded absent-mindedly. "Well I'm here to talk to if you need somebody. Contrary to popular belief, I am a good listener, and I can shut up for ten minutes whilst you speak."

Scott grinned at the boy, his hand reaching out and squeezing the back of his neck, as though soothing him. "I'm okay, Stiles. Honestly, it's just stuff with Allison, the same stuff as usual."

"Well I'm still here to talk to if you need." Stiles pushed, taking his seat as Scott when in to the seat diagonal from him.


Stiles wasn't surprised to see Scott that night. His Dad was working a night shift and when the door bell rang he immediately knew who it was. "Come in." He called from the kitchen, knowing the boy would hear him, grabbing himself a drink, now grabbing a second, and heading to the living room where Scott was sitting on the couch.

"Hey." Scott glanced up, smiling gratefully for the can and setting back in to the sofa. "You busy?"

"Nah, my hot date cancelled." He joked, making Scott smile. "You here to talk?" he guessed, Scott nodded mutely, rubbing at his eyes, Stiles didn't say anything as he waited for the boy to talk. Though his leg did jiggle a little.

"I -" Scott started, frowning. "I don't know what to do about Allison."

Ah, Allison. The girl who had previously turned against the pack and tried to kill Boyd. The girl with a vendetta against Derek.

"Well what do you think you should do?" Stiles asked, eyes wide and interested, scanning Scott's face. He knew that Allison meant a lot to his best mate.

"I – we talked, Allison and I, and I told her I could wait for her but I don't know if I can. And how do I know she won't turn like that again? I mean, like, she's clearly got it in her, right? So, what if something happens to her Dad and she blame's Derek again. Or worse, what if she blames me or you? I don't know if I could deal with that!" Scott was looking frantic now and Stiles was sure that if he were a werewolf he would be able to hear the boy's heart pounding at a ferocious speed.

"Scott, man, you've got to do what's best." Stiles nodded as though he had dealt with a girlfriend before. "What are you leaning more towards? Leaving your psycho-ex or accepting the fact she tried to kill us."

Scott shot him a glare and Stiles had the decency to look shamed, it was probably a little soon to be making jokes about said 'psycho-ex'. "I think I'm going to leave her," Scott frowned. "I'm not as in to it anymore."

"Yeah, you've not been mooning over her as much lately." Stiles agreed and Scott couldn't help but snort.

"Stiles." Scott said moments later, and Stiles looked up from where he was reading the label on his can.

"Uh huh?"

"What would you do if -" he stopped talking and his face tinted red, he glanced at his feet slightly, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter."

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