trick or treat (say something sweet)

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trick or treat (say something sweet) by Muffintine



"Laura quit moving," Derek hisses, jutting his elbow into Laura's side.

There's a beat of silence, the sound of rustling leaves, and then, "I'll stop moving," Laura whisper-growls, "when you shut up."

"Well, I wouldn't be talking," Derek snaps, "if you would stay still!"

"Derek," Laura seethes, gold eyes flashing. She falters, however, head tilting. Her mouth stretches into a wide, mischievous grin as she shares a conspiratorial look with Derek. A silent understanding passes between them — someone's coming up the path now, footsteps light. It's a kid, no doubt, braving the infamous Hale Manor on All Hallow's Eve, jack-o'-lantern bucket clutched tightly in their grubby little hands.

Derek grins at Laura as the footsteps grow nearer; louder.

"One," Laura mouths, "Two..."

Three, Derek thinks, springing out from the bushes lining his family's massive house. He lets out a loud, earth shaking roar as he wolfs out, face shifting in a burst of hair and fangs. Laura's right beside him, her own – louder, damn it – roar ripping from her throat like a proper howl. Derek's the one holding the bowl of candy, so he stops first, burning golden eyes meeting wide, stunned brown eyes. The kid's cute, Derek thinks, with his extremely pale skin dotted in moles and horrendously ugly Batman costume.

Bat kid stands there for a moment, mouth agape as he stares, bucket clutched tightly in his tiny hands, heart jacket rabbiting beneath his ribcage.

Laura sighs out, "I think we broke an eight-year-old," before she punches Derek hard in the shoulder, making him lurch forward with a stumble. "Hurry up and give him the candy before he starts crying"—he can almost hear the exasperation in her voice—"or something."

In retrospect, Derek wished the little brat really would have just cried. Instead he drops his candy bucket, rushes forward – black cape billowing in the wind behind him – and kicks Derek right in the shin. He glares up at Derek with what can only be described as righteous fury before he turns and darts off.

It takes Laura all of two seconds before she's howling with laughter, doubled over. "You just got bested by an eight-year-old," she says between gasps, tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. "Dressed as Batman!"

Derek glowers as Laura leans on him, still laughing as if this has made her whole night – it probably has – and he really, really regrets letting Laura talk him into doing this. He pushes her off. "Shut up, Laura," he snaps at her, shoving the bowl of candy into her arms. He picks the discarded bucket of candy up off the ground with a huff and stalks away to find the stupid kid. He can still hear his heartbeat, quick and a touch too fast, as he starts towards the main road.

He hears them before he sees them.

"And," Bat Kid sniffles, "a werewolf stole my candy, mommy – a werewolf!"

There's a soft, amused, "Werewolf, huh?"

"Yes," a hiccup, "but, don't worry mommy, I defeated him. 'Cause I'm batman tonight and he always... he always beats the bad guys!" Another hiccupped sob. "And I promised daddy, I promised him I'd protect mommy and that I wouldn't let us get lost cause, cause..."

There's a laugh, the sound fond, gentle, and warm all at once.

Derek frowns the moment they come into view. There's Bat Kid, clutching at the hem of what can only be his mother's shirt, cheeks wet with tears and, damn, he feels guilty. Something uncomfortable swims in his chest as he bows his head in shame and takes a tentative step forward, the kid's bucket still clasped loosely in his hand.

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