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Hello by castiel52



The first time Derek saw Stiles, the younger man didn't even know how to speak yet. Derek has just turned eight while Stiles was only a few months old.

Derek was at school and Stiles' mom, Ms. Mary Stilinski, was his teacher. She was sweet, smart, kind, and beautiful. Derek remembered having a small crush on her back then. Then, just before recess, deputy Stilinski came inside their classroom, looking apologetic at his wife as he carried their eight-month old son in his arms with a bag that contained some formula, a few bottles, hand towels, powder, and some diapers.

"Jo can't babysit today. She has a bad cold and no one was available." He had said as Ms. Mary took her son from his husband with a small shake of her head but a smile on her face.

"It's okay. He can play in the pen I have for my class with the younger kids, when parents want to wait with their toddlers in hand." She said with a smile and accepted the soft peck on the lips her husband gave her. Derek stared at the baby his teacher was holding. There was something about those big, bright, amber orbs as the baby stared back at him over his mother's shoulder, where his chin was rested.

Ms. Mary turned her little boy in her arms and looked at her class. The baby never removed his eyes from Derek's own. His chubby hands were fisted by his mother's collarbone as he stared at the older boy. His chubby cheeks were so rosy that it seemed he was blushing.

After a few more moments of staring at each other, Derek frowned deeply. The baby simply giggled—high and loud—as he clapped his chubby little hands together, his eyes squinting a little as his mouth opened in a huge smile as he giggled. Derek was so surprised that he flinched, ever so slightly. It seemed that even Ms. Mary was surprised at her son's sudden laughter and simply blinked at him then moved towards the playpen for the smaller kids later. Derek went back to playing.


The second time Derek saw Stiles, the younger man was four while he was twelve, only about six months shy of thirteen.

Derek was on his bike on his way back home from school when he suddenly heard the loud laughter of a boy who was probably younger than he was. He was just passing the local park and he didn't know why he decided to look for the source. He looked around and saw a little boy with blonde hair laughing loudly, looming over a smaller boy who had slightly long, dark brown hair, who was sitting on the ground. The blonde boy was probably a few months older than the one on the ground. The younger boy's shoulders were shaking ever so slightly and Derek can see him sniffing, obviously trying to hold his tears. Derek was about to intervene when another boy with a buzz cut and a slightly darker shade of brown hair than the other, came punched the blonde hard on the stomach and quickly pulled the younger boy to a standing position and quickly ran away.

Derek smiled and shook his head a little at the bravery the buzz cut kid showed.


Derek was fifteen and Stiles has just turned seven the third time he saw the younger man.

Derek was in the hospital's waiting area with his two older siblings—Laura and Andrew—as they wait for their parents. His mom was getting into labor with the his second younger sibling and the fifth one to the Hale siblings, as they have been called since he, Laura, and Andrew started attending school. their other younger sibling, Jessica, was back at home with Uncle Peter and Aunt Mary, Uncle Peter's wife. Uncle Peter and Aunt Mary's son, Joseph, was with his classmates doing a school project.

They were all getting anxious because it was taking so long. Derek was pacing back and forth while Laura bounced her knees up and down as Andrew showed a calm façade, the only way to realize that he was anxious as hell was the speed of his heart beat.

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