Pack Mom

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Pack Mom by surprisedreader


This is just a little something I wrote because I totally feel like Stiles is the 'mom' type. It turned out a little rougher then I had wanted but that's alright. I intend to do another chapter or so if this is well received. This is a Derek/Stiles fic though not much is said about it until the end and it's not really the main point of the fic. So! Please read and enjoy and leave me a review to tell me what you think.

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Stiles didn't know when it happened. Was it one of those slow progressions? Or did it happen suddenly? He wasn't really sure, but he kind of feels like it's always been this way. He was taking care of people even when it was just him and Scott.

When their duo changed to a trio, and then from trio into a kinda-sorta-very-unlikely-and-not-entirely-willing quintet he just continued to do what he could for everyone and didn't really think anything of it.

Train Scott. Take messages between Scott and Allison. Tell Scott when he was being an ass and needed to apologize. Keep Allison from killing Derek. Keep Allison from breaking up with Scott. Keep creepy Matt away from Allison. Come up with a new plan on what to do about whatever big bad ugly was coming at them next. Keep Jackson from getting killed. Help figure out what caused Jackson to become the Kenima and fix/reverse/undo that. Try and explain things to Lydia. Try and figure out why Lydia seemed to be immune to the bite.

It was all in a day's work back then.

Then their quintet grew again and they became a full blow pack. It was a little odd at first. Trying to learn to trust. Learn their place and properly fuse their two separate groups into one. Eventually things evened out and now it was strange to even think about them not being together.

Stiles leaned back in his chair rubbing at his burning eyes to try and get them to focus on the computer screen in front of him to no avail. He needed a break, but he wanted to finish up his notes before the pack meeting started so he could have all the information for them ready and waiting when the questions started. Big decisions were coming. Hell some had just been made and the pack was nervous enough without him fucking up on his numbers.

Stiles closed his eyes letting his arms drop heavily to his sides and left his head lulled back in a position that would hurt his neck if he stayed that way for too long but felt good for right now.

He heard Isaac's soft voice come from down stairs and smiled remembering the first time they truly bonded.

Stiles had been looking for Derek, hell he didn't even remember now what for, but when he came down into the abandoned subway they had been living he stopped dead in his tracks when Erica had growled at him in warning with a panicked looking Isaac pulled into her arms and a nervous Boyd sitting close, all three of them piled together on the floor of their train car.

"I'm just...looking for-" He had started to say as a phone started ringing setting Isaac off into a set of actual sobbing and Erica was growling in the back of her throat again like she could force the cell phone into submission.

"Whats going on?" Stiles finally asked after licking his lips nervously watching as Isaac covered his ears like he could block out the high pitched shrill noise alerting him of a caller. The human carefully picked up the device looking at the 800 number flashing on the screen and frowned.

"Bill collector." Boyd had spoken up pulling himself up off the floor to his full height to stand between his other two pack mates like Stiles intended to force the other boy to answer the call. "People telling Isaac he has to pay his father's debts now that he's dead."

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