Fix You

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Fix You by hetalia27


No one really knew how to react to the sent fading, slowly every day almost at an agonizing snail pace. Really it would have been better if it disappeared right as soon as he did—or just never left at all.

But if it didn't leave, that'd probably be worse ending up a constant reminder of how much they could have done but didn't get the chance to. Or, how much they refused to do, the regrets of promises broken and meetings missed, everything was just heavier with the smell that was drifting.

To say that the smell of honey, cinnamon and a very faint dash of aftershave would cause them all ease was a lie. They'd never really be able to stand that smell and they all knew.

"Listen, Derek, I don't care if you're the big bad alpha now or whatever, would you just wear the glasses to you look normal in the videos." Stiles' voice came from behind the camera where it was trained at the back of the big lug's head. Honestly sometimes it was impossible to get him to do anything.

"Would you just do it, it's his birthday." Scott said as he walked into frame, his own pair of his own glasses with very thin lenses that had no prescription. Then he walked right over to Derek and shoved the glasses on him, while the other's laughed behind him.

Derek took that moment to pout his very manly pout and storm up to Stiles and yank the camera out of his hands.

"Dude, take a picture for me." Stiles said, letting the camera be taken from him and walked over to the betas and humans. Scott grabbed him and pulled him into a headlock rubbing his fist on Stiles' buzzed head. Groaning Stiles starting wiggling around and tried to pull out of the stupidly strong hold but that didn't work out.

"You suck Scott." Stiles said as he gave his best friend a deadpanned look who just laughed at his friend who rubbed his head.

"Only on your birthday, if you really want me to," Scott winked causing Stiles to laugh so hard he almost fell over because after he said is Allison had a look on her face like she wasn't sure about her lifestyle choices dating Scott.

The camera panned over to the cake which read; Happy 18th Birthday Stiles!

It didn't take long for Scott to break down; he was probably the first of them too. Huddled up in a corner with the red sweater in his face now probably soaked in his tears; that stupid sweater. He wore it every day after Lydia had said that Stiles was like little red riding hood with it on. Then proceeded to say that she wasn't a character in the story and Allison was obviously the axe man reborn as a female.

That was all it took for him to smile and say that Derek was obviously the big bad wolf and everyone else weren't in the story either, causing Derek to whack him in the back of the head.

And now it was just clinging in Scott's hand as he rocked back and forth, and really they all understood because it wasn't easy for anyone.

"Hi, I'm Stiles!" the young boy said with slightly shaggy hair as he walked over to the new kid in his third grade class. His mother told him it was probably better if he was nice to the new kid. Stiles has shrugged and walked up to the new boy as he waited for his mother to come pick him up. He didn't know his mother was recording everything on the camera she always kept on her.

"Hi, I'm Scott." The new boy said smiling and looking awkward. Lacing his own fingers together Scott looked from Stiles to his mother and then back to Stiles. "Uhm?"

"Hey, do you like Star Wars?" Stiles asked the younger version of Scott very seriously, and Scott visibly swallowed.

"Han Solo is a lot cooler than Luke Skywalker." Scott has said hopefully, and Stiles' smile was brighter than the sun at the comment and he slung his arm over the other boy.

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