The Sourwolf Date

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The Sourwolf Date by Juju1665

Stiles had first become aware that something odd was going on when he'd opened his front door one morning to find a small pile of dead things on his porch. Squirrels, a rabbit, and even a snake. All of them had bite marks in them and Stiles just knew that this had something to do with the werewolves. After all, last night had been the full moon.

He wasn't sure which wolf it had been (the town was lousy with them these days) so he had just cleaned it all up before his dad came home and went to school. There were so many other weird things happening with the kanima that the pile of animals slipped his mind.

The next month it happened again. And this time Stiles knew that something weird was going on. He called Scott first asking if he had done it but his friend denied it. Stiles thought about it and wondered if it might be Erica. She had already admitted to having a crush on him at one point. Was her werewolfy side trying to get his attention? He couldn't think of any other reason that some supernatural, animalistic creature would pile dead things on his porch every full moon.

So he asked her the next day in school.

"Nope," she smirked. "Wasn't me, Batman.

But she had a smirk on her face that said quite plainly said that while it may not have been her she knew who it was.

"Then who was it?" he asked, one eyebrow up and trying to summon up any amount of charm that he may possess deep, deep down.

"Why should I tell you?" she inquired thoroughly enjoying herself and her current leverage over him.

"Because I would be very, very grateful," he replied, smiling sweetly knowing that all Erica wanted was a little fun. She had never had anyone want anything from her before. Now that she was a werewolf and capable of attracting the right kind of attention she was determined to enjoy it. Stiles understood the need and he was even willing to indulge her a little bit.

"If I tell you," she started. "You have to promise that you didn't hear it from me."

"Promise! Promise! Promise!"

"It was Derek."


"Yes, Stiles," Erica replied, pleased with herself. "Derek."

"Why is Derek leaving piles of woodland creatures on my porch every full moon?" he asked, just slightly creeped out but more curious than ever. Creeped out and curious was his usual state when it came to all things werewolf.

"I can't give you everything Stiles," she said. "Figure it out."

"I would much rather my favorite Catwoman just tell me," he said and batted his eyes at her. She giggled just like he knew she would. He and Erica may not always get along-in fact they rarely got along-but they definitely knew how to handle each other. If Stiles had to pick a favorite from Derek's ragtag pack it would be Erica.

"Fine," she relented, rolling her eyes. "Derek's wolf has a crush on you."

"Derek's wolf?" he questioned having never really heard the phrasing.

"Yes," she started. "Werewolves have two sides to them. The human part and the wolf part. The wolf part is the most instinct driven. That's why it's so hard to control."
He nodded in understanding. That made sense. When Scott had first shifted he had had many problems connecting and controlling the part of him that was werewolf.

"So only his wolf has the crush?" he asked. She nodded enthusiastically. Well that explained why it was only happening on the full moon. He distractedly thanked her and left for chemistry where he nearly blew himself up and landed himself in detention. For the rest of that week Stiles was caught up in thought. How did one react to knowing that the big, bad alpha, who he technically hated, had a crush on him?

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