Typical Soap Opera

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Typical Soap Opera by fanficloverme96


"You know what I don't like?" Erica says one particular hot afternoon. "Soap operas,"

"Hm," Lydia replies disinterestedly, examining her nails. The pair is hanging out Derek's place that day. The guys have some 'major important meeting' going on and Lydia could not bring herself to care while Erica gets bored with it as soon as it starts.

"I mean, all the plots are so darn typical," Erica continues, waving her arms as if to put emphasis on her point. "Love happens, then they're mad, love comes back and someone is betrayed one way or another,"

"Don't forget someone usually dies at the end," Lydia chimes in quietly.

"Right," Erica nods, rolling her eyes. "Nothing is original. The dramas are so stupid. And the love story plot? Bleh," She makes a disgusted noise. "I mean, none of those things ever happen in real life,"

"Oh, sure they do," Lydia replies breezily as she looks at the girl in front of her. "Don't you notice the things going on around here?"

"Huh? Like what?" Erica crosses her arms.

The door opens and storms out Derek followed by Stiles. Derek looks livid and dangerous, eyes narrowed and lips set in a thin line. Stiles merely looks exasperated. "Don't be such a sourwolf, Derek," Stiles groans. "I only said it as a joke,"

"Really?" Derek snaps, his voice dangerously low. "Because to me, it sounds more like an insult,"

"On what?" Stiles demands. "Your intelligence? Your looks? Your mentality? Because you're not lacking in any of those-," he pauses. "On second thought, scratch that. You're lacking at the mentality part,"

"And what does that suppose to mean?" Derek growls, swiveling on his heels to face Stiles, glaring at him heatedly.

"Oh gee," Stiles says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe it has to do with your insanity? I mean, seriously, that plan itself proves how much of an insane person you are. You're basically saying 'Charge in headfirst and kill anyone that's in the way," Stiles rolls his eyes. "I can believe if Scott were to say that, but you?"

"What are they going on about?" Erica asks.

"Some plan about breaking into an enemy's lair. Or at least, in Jackson's term," Lydia answers, not even bothering to look at the pair who are still arguing. "You see that, Erica? That is what I'm talking about,"

"I don't understand, Martin," Erica furrows her brow.

Lydia smiles. "One of the typical plots in soap operas," Derek has his claws out now and looks as if he is about to attack Stiles. The latter is throwing his hands up in annoyance, but he is backing up regardless.

"The main characters hate each other at first,"


"Oh god, Derek is the most annoying person ever," Stiles whines as he enters the kitchen. "What a jackass,"

"It's your fault by saying all those things," Scott points out. "You know how he is,"

"Yeah, a jackass," Stiles snaps, snatching a sandwich from the plate.

"Maybe it's because you're human. You know...not fully part of the pack and all that," Erica suggests, smiling sardonically.

Stiles stares at her disbelievingly. "And what do you suppose he regards Lydia as, hm? A freaking duck?" he demands but he stops himself when he catches Lydia's glare from across the kitchen. "An attractive duck. A swan," he amends quickly. "A...a Cygnus,"

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