(9) 'Wait, is being serious even an emotion?'

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Chapter 9- Kian’s POV

“KIAN!” An annoying female voice shouted. I tried to ignore her but I then felt something hit my face.

“What do you want?” I groaned as I sat up and looked at the annoying 14 year old standing infront of me.

“Did you use Jessica?” She asked. My sister has a thing for naming stuff, she names everything! Literally! She’s named her laptop Jessica which I did happen to use yesterday.

“Nope.” I lied.

“Yes you did! There are crumbs stuck inbetween the keyboard! First you used my laptop without MY permission then you eat food while using it. Don’t you know about my no eating food while on my laptop policy?” She screamed.

“Woops, I’m sorry.” I said in a monotone voice not really caring.

“No you’re not! I hate you!” She shouted and then stomped away. I know she didn’t mean it and she’s just throwing a typical teenager fit but it still hurt.

I then saw the time and saw that I was late to school.

I quickly jumped into the shower and wore my clothes. I didn’t even bother with my hair – perks of being a boy - as I quickly ran down the stairs and jumped into my car.

I got off and ran to my first class which is Geography. The teacher for this subject is the laziest person ever. She lets everyone walk all over her and certain people like to take advantage of this. I’m not one of those people, nope, no way; I’m a good, respectful student.

Who am I kidding? Of course I’m one of those people.

I walked inside the class to see Mrs Reading sitting on her chair not even paying attention to the class as they talked among each other. She didn’t even see me walk in to the class because she was too into her computer!

The whole lesson went like this. And they wonder why we’re failing. Okay, I may not seem like the person who cares about education but I do. I care about my education and I know it’s important; the only thing I don’t care about is school. School is a place full of judgemental people who you cannot trust or they will stab you in the back. Those people would rather listen to a bunch of rumours than actually confirming the real story. I know this as I’ve been the victim of all these rumours. I’ve just learnt not to care.

When it was lunch I was more than glad. I was making my way to my table when I was stopped by a girl who was showing way too much cleavage and had make up caked on her face. How do people find that attractive?

“Hey Kian.” She fluttered her eyelashes.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“I just want to talk, wanna sit together at lunch?” She pressed her boobs together with her arms.

“No.” I bluntly answered.

“Why not?” She pouted and grabbed on to my arm.

“Because he’s sitting with me at lunch.” A familiar female voice spoke from behind me.

“Ew Kayla?” The girl I still don’t know the name of looked at me to make sure.

“Yeah.” I pushed her away and grabbed Kayla’s wrist and pulled her with me to my canteen table.

“Shouldn’t you be thanking me right about now for saving you from her wrath?” Kayla smiled as she leaned back on the chair.

“I would have been fine on my own.” I stated.

“I’m guessing you don’t know Nicole. She gets what she wants and she thinks I’m competition so she wants what I have. Everyone is spreading rumours about us so she thinks we have a thing going on and she wants to steal you from me.” Kayla explained and everything made sense.

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