(15) "I'm naked"

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Chapter 15- Kayla's POV

Today was the day of the fashion show. Today was the day Karen is releasing her fashion line and she trusted me to be in charge. However, I bet this is the last time she will ever do this. Everything that could have gone wrong has gone wrong! WHY ME? I've been a good girl and yet everything I'm involved in goes wrong! This isn't fair!

So let me explain what's going on. Karen is releasing her clothing line which she's been preparing for since 3 months ago and now because of me everything is going wrong. Firstly the decorations were delivered to the wrong place and I thought it wasn't too bad. I could borrow Kian's car and get them to deliver to the right place but as I was about to leave I got a call on the iPhone that Karen insisted on me having. She claimed no teenager girl should be roaming around without a phone. Anyway, the caller told me that the dress doesn't fit Laila. Then the goodie bags which everyone gets after the fashion show were misplaced, yep they were nowhere to be found! This is pathetic!

Oh and the cupcakes fell on the ground. So now I have to bake 600 cupcakes, make 600 goodie bags, get the dress to fit Laila somehow AND get the decorations to the right place in 3 hours! WHY ME? WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME? WHAT ON EARTH DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?

Maybe it was because I killed that spider last week, but you can't blame me! I was in the shower and it was crawling up my leg while I was naked so I kind of just freaked out and killed it with the shampoo bottle. Wait, it might be because of the time I told that kid to shut up because he was annoying me, you can't blame me, I was on my periods and he was just getting on my nerves.

Okay, I'm getting off the point now.

Anyway, what I meant to say is that I'm screwed. There is no way I can do this all without any help. Yeah, I could ask for help but from whom? Karen's been stressed this whole week so I couldn't go to her but who can I go to?

I ran to Kian's room to see that he was still sleeping, why am I not surprised?

"WAKEY WAKEY!" I shouted shaking him with all my strength. We have no time to waste. "WAKE UP PLEASE! KIAN I NEED YOUR HELP!" I shouted.

"Let me sleep." Kian groaned and buried his head in his pillow.

"I'm naked." I said in a monotone voice.

"What?" Kian shot up with wide eyes looking disappointed to see me wearing clothes. Desperate times come to desperate measures. "Why would you do that?" Kian glared at me.

"I need your help! I tried waking you up like a normal person but you just wouldn't open your eyes!" I complained shoving him.

"What do you need my help with?" Kian asked running his hands through his morning hair. How can he just wake up looking so perfect? Why wasn't I given that trait? I look like a tornado occurred in my room in the mornings.

Snapping out of my daydream I explained my problem. He knew I was in charge of the fashion show and said he would help if I needed it and now I need it.

"Holy shit." Kian blinked.

"Exactly! Help me please! We only have 3 hours." I begged for help.

"Okay what do we do?" Kian asked. Oh shit! I haven't even thought about what to do. I was hoping he would know what to do.

"Well I was hoping you'd know." I honestly told him.

"How am I supposed to know?" Kian asked throwing his hands in the air.

"I don't know! You were my only hope; no one else is here today." I whined. You must not burst into tears. You must not burst into tears.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Kian asked looking confused. Oops, I must have said that out loud. I didn't reply to his question and just kept thinking for a solution.

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