(28) 'Best date ever'

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Chapter 28 – Kayla’s POV


 Trevor looked at me as if I was the craziest girl alive.

 Well, that could be true.

 Nah I’m joking, you know I’m awesome.

 “What?” I whined, “Minions are cool” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

 "But they’re yellow” He complained.

 “I hate yellow too,” I shuddered at the mention of that hideous colour “but minions are an exception” I smiled.

 “So have you and Kian made up yet?” He questioned, leaning against the kitchen counter. It was 3pm and I was eating a late lunch in the kitchen.

“No” I stated simply. Kian and I agreed to keep up the act of hate until we’re ready to tell everyone about us.

 “Really?” He looked unsure. I sighed loudly and dramatically. 

 “That asshole broke my heart; do you really think I will forgive him after that?” I deadpanned, saying only half of the truth; Kian did actually break my heart but that was before I knewthe truth.

 “Kayla, can you help me?” Jessica came in and requested. I sat there shocked; Jessica is a very picky teenager who likes to stay in her own bubble and not speak to anyone else unless spoken to, so it’s a big deal if she actually came and asked me for help.

 “Yeah sure” I instantly agreed and hopped off the counter only to crash nose first into someone’s chest. 

 “Watch where you’re going ass” I spat at Kian, trying to keep up the act we agreed on. It was quite hard considering he’s my boyfriend now but whatever.

 “Are you talking to me?” He asked, now Cole and Jamie had entered the kitchen too. It’s time to raise the bar a bit and make us hating each other more believable. Kian obviously had the same idea as he nodded his head very slightly.

 "No I'm talking to this invisible man who just bumped into me, of course I'm talking to you" I growled.

 "I don't appreciate your sarcasm." Kian stated.

 "I don't appreciate your face!" i shouted back.

 "That doesn't even make sense." Kian retorted

 "I don't give a shit."

 “I’m just shocked that Queen Kayla is talking to me, I thought you hated me?” 

 “So you finally admit I’m better than you?” I smirked.

 “Not really because the Queen in the UK practically has no use, she’s just there because she needs to be, not because anyone needs her” He smirked knowing he had the upper hand.

 “Kian I suggest you shut the fuck up before I do your face in” Cole’s cold, menacing voice interrupted our ... “argument”. 

 Kian rolled his eyes at that, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and left the kitchen, not before winking at me of course, which led to me blushing like a freaking strawberry.

 “I hate that asshole!” I yelled for extra measure and left the same way Kian did, and gestured for Jessica to follow me so I could help her with whatever she needed help with.

I saw Kian before Jessica did and he mouthed, ‘Get rid of Jessica’.

What a nice older brother, but I did as he said.

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