(26) "Fuck sakes Kayla, you've got me fucking crazy over you..."

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Chapter 26 – Kayla’s POV.

I was awoken by a cold hand poking my cheek. My eyes fluttered open and met Connor’s worried eyes.

“Kay, why are you on the couch?” He asked. I shuffled and gave him space to sit down.

“What time is it?” I asked, ignoring his question.

“Its 10am, I was hungry so I came downstairs”

So I’ve only been asleep for about 6 hours. I’m surprised nobody else woke me up, I was sure Karen or Dave would’ve been awake by now.

“Why are you sleeping down here?” He asked again. I sighed.

“Just tell me or I won’t stop teasing you” He raised an eyebrow and I cracked a small smile.

“Someone close to me asked me to meet him at Times Square yesterday and I thought he wanted to be nice and thoughtful because I’ve never seen the firework display. I bought a new dress and everything but he didn’t turn up. I don’t know why but I waited there until 2am but he never turned up” I confessed, tears welling up in my eyes again at the memory.

“Your make up is smeared meaning you were crying” He pointed out and I nodded.

“Do you like him?” He wondered.

“I do” I confessed and I realised it’s true. The only reason it hurts me so much that he didn’t turn up is because I like him. I have a freaking crush on the mysterious loner boy in school; what a cliché. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

“Well then he’s an asshole-“ I shot him a look, “I mean an idiot for not turning up. I mean you probably looked extremely sexy and he missed his chance to get such a sexy girl under him screaming his name” He winked and I laughed and ruffled his hair.

“Thank you” I pecked his cheek.

“Seriously though, he missed out on you and he’s an idiot. Now cheer up and I’ll get Mum to make chocolate chip pancakes!” He cheered and I gave him a massive hug.

“Wait Connor?!” I yelled after him.

“Yeah?” He called back.

“Don’t tell anyone I was down here”

“I won’t” He smiled and disappeared.

Who knew Connor knew how to not be a pervert?

I was afraid to go upstairs to my room though, Kian was present there last night and I do not wish to bump into him today at all.

“He’s not upstairs” Cole’s voice came out of nowhere and judging by his tensed jaw and murderous glare; Connor told him what happened and he linked the pieces together. He can read me like a book.

“Cole” I pleaded; I knew he wanted to kill him but it’s the first day of the New Year and I want it to be a good one.

A good one? After the night you’ve had? You must be joking.

Did I mention I hate my brain?

“No Kayla, I’m gunna kill that motherfucker” He banged his fist down.

“Kill which motherfucker?” Trevor asked.

“Kian that’s who” He gritted his teeth.

“What did that ass do now?” He sighed and Cole relayed the story making me upset again.

“Fuck sorry sis” He rushed over to my side and comforted me.

“I’m going to shower and get changed” I told my younger brothers - Trevor was close enough to me for him to be my younger brother anyways.

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