(39) "I was hoping that would hit him"

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Chapter 39 – Kayla’s POV

I hate running with a burning passion.

So you can imagine how frustrated I’m feeling right now because:

1)      I don’t like running.

2)      I’m running.

3)      I look like a right mess.

4)      I left my pizza!


You just did dipshit.

I rolled my eyes at my brain. I know I did - no need to say it.

Just letting you know.

I ran as fast as I could down the streets, making sure I didn’t lose track of him. I apologised constantly to people as I almost ran into them.  I dodged an old lady who yelled multiple profanities at me – aren’t old people supposed to be nice? I am seriously unfit but my adrenaline rush kept me moving. I was sure I lost Amber ages ago, but right now my priority is Kian.

That son of a bitch.

And that bitch is Dave not Karen because she is a total sweetheart.

I rounded the last block, seeing the boys enter a building with a blue door.

Oh no Kian.

You haven’t lost me yet.

Kian’s POV

I slammed the door shut, resting my back against it as I panted.

“Nate, Kian, is that you?” Hannah’s head peeped around the corner. (A/N HANNAH AND NATE! I didn’t get rid of them completely guys. If you haven’t read Coming Home, this might be a tad awkward for you).

“Yeah babe” Nate walked up to her, pecking her cheek then bending down to kiss her stomach as their first child was currently in there. A small blush appeared on her cheeks.

Nate and Hannah are 24/25 years old, they got married in London but decided to move to America. I met Nate during one of my Dad’s parties that I was dragged to. He and I both shared the same dislike for my father and so we bonded.

He was kind enough to let me crash at his apartment the past few days since my “father” kicked me out. I was thankful he let me; otherwise I would’ve had nowhere to go. I bet my father would’ve absolutely loved that.

“Mate, who was that?” Nate questioned we walked into the kitchen.

“Kayla” I mumbled.

“Shit” His eyes widened and I nodded. He knew all about Kayla and everything that has occurred the past few days.

“Kian, don’t you think it’s time to go back home? I love you and all but everyone must be pretty worried” Hannah rubbed my back.

“I’m searching for a new apartment, as soon as that is sorted, I’ll leave you guys and inform my family where I am. I just can’t let them know now because they’ll just drag me back to that house and I really do not want to be there” I explained my plan. I thought of it the night I left home and it’s working out so far.

Except the ‘finding the apartment’ bit.

“Hey Nate, what are you doing?” I questioned my friend, walking up to him and mimicking his actions by squishing my face against the window.

“Looking out for Kayla, she did follow us you know” He raised an eyebrow.

“I think we lost her”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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