(8) 'Did you sit in a pile of sugar?'

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Chapter 8 – Kayla’s POV.


Do you know what happens on Mondays?


I don’t want to go to school.

I spent yesterday searching for jobs and I found about 2 jobs. One was in another bar (which isn’t really a good idea considering what happened in my last job, but I’m desperate). The other job was in McDonalds.

 “Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cos you have a pretty sweet ass, pretty mama” Trevor slapped my ass and winked.

“That’s my sister!” Cole yelled from somewhere.

“Why am I living in a house full of perverts?” I mumbled to myself.

I was wearing form fitting white jeans which accentuated my ass and a plain navy blue top with lace on the shoulders and some blue converses. You’re probably wondering how I have all these fancy clothes when I can’t afford a rundown apartment right?

Before the incident happened, I was extremely rich, probably one of the richest in the country but then everything went downhill, but I never lost my clothes. That’s how.

Trevor flicked my head.

“Ow, what was that for?” I rubbed the sore spot.

“I’ve been calling your name for the past 5 minutes. Did you just suddenly disappear to la la land?” Trevor laughed.

“I do that a lot” I grinned.

“You’re riding with me, Cole and Kian, let’s go” He whistled and spun his keys around his index finger, using his other hand to motion ‘follow me’. I followed him out and towards his car. It was a Mercedes, and a very pretty one at that.

“Shotgun!” I yelled and jumped into the passenger seat hearing Cole’s deep laughter behind me.

Once I arrived at school, I was suddenly dreading it and my hands became all clammy.

“You’ll be okay Kay” Cole rested his hand on my back and I shrugged it off, walking ahead of him.

“Wait, Kayla, I’m sorry” Cole apologised, catching up to me and holding my arm.

“Yeah? Sorry don’t cut it. You’re my brother and I thought you would be supportive of me but that wasn’t the case” I walked away from him again.

“Kayla please!” He yelled but I didn’t bother stopping. I’m still not on good terms with him.

I was walking through the corridors and felt quite conscious.

Calm down Kayla, nobody knows about you, your job or that you’re living with the school’s loner. They still think you’re the rich popular Kayla Wright who is captain of the dance team.

After giving myself a mini pep talk, I straightened up my posture and walked towards my locker, guess who was already there?

“KAYLAAA!” Amber yelled. She ran and gave me a big bear hug, resulting in both of us toppling down to the hard ground. A loud ‘oof’ was heard.

“Amber get off me you fatshit” I groaned. She did so effortlessly.

“Fat? Honey, I’m a 5 foot 6” 48kg Spanish dancer, in no way am I fat” She defended herself, crossing her arms over her chest and jutting her hip out. I laughed.

“I think you’re delusional” I winked and opened my locker, putting some books back and taking some books out.

I shut my locker and linked arms with Amber, strolling to our first class: Photography.

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