(20) "Damn that was so deep I almost drowned"

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Warning: Spoilers from The Fault In Our Stars - scroll past it if you need to! (You will know when to) If you have read it then just read normally!

Chapter 20 - Kian's POV.

It's a week before Christmas break and I'm more moody than usual today. I can't seem to fathom why. Everytime someone crosses me, I usually glare and they walk off, but today? I'm literally grabbing that person by the neck and pushing them up against the wall.

What the hell is wrong with me? I thought, as I paced around the courtyard considering I got left class.

I blame Kayla for this. Stupid Little Miss Sunshine.

Why do I blame Kayla for this?

Well, let me take you to the beginning of the school day.

*4 hours ago*

I strode into school, head held up high and my hands in my pockets as usual. I walked towards my locker, got my books and slammed it shut. I spun around and saw Kayla laughing and smiling with her friends, blondie and brownie. Brownie? Get it? Like brunette and the chocolate brownies? .. Forget it. 

I let my eyes wonder over her petite body, a pair of blue jeans hugged her legs, a oversized black hoody that looked like Cole's hid her upper boday and she had on some black converses. Scruffy but cute.

Cute? Seriously? You're 'bad boy Kian' and you're using words like cute? 

Shut up brain.

Anyways, the first period went by fine, as did the second. But third period I had with Kayla. I knew she was popular, but not that popular.

As soon as she took her seat, boys started flocking to her like she was a piece of meat. Kayla this. Kayla that. Like shut the fuck up! I sat on my desk with my fists clenched under the desk. I kept sneaking glances at Kayla and it seemed as if she was really enjoying all the attention judging by her laughter but I knew better. She could really care less about what those douche bags were saying to her. She just had to continue to play the part of the popular girl.

As the lesson went on by, the droning voice of the teacher had us all chattering away and not paying attention to him. I stole glances of Kayla and she kept fiddling with the sleeves of her hoody.

It was after third period when Kayla and I were having an argument over The Fault In Our Stars.

"It's a sad book, why would anyone want to read it?" I exclaimed, leaning against her locker as she took some books out.

"It's a story about infinite love. Gus knew Hazel had cancer but didn't give up on her, instead pursued a relationship with her, fell in love with her and fulfilled every wish she had. He did everything to make her happy" She argued.

"He felt pity" I retorted.

"Pity is just saying 'sorry' or 'i can't believe you have cancer', that sort of stuff. He accepted the fact she will die one day and loved her til his own last breath. It's a heartwarming story!" She exclaimed, slamming her locker shut.


"Yes seriously. Think about it. Gus knew Hazel had cancer but accepted it and never treated her any differently. He did everything he could to make her smile, he fulfilled her wishes, even the euilogy! He wrote one for her even though he was going to die himself. He used his last wish to take her to Amsterdam to meet her favourite author just to get some answers. He didn't run away from her because she was dying but embraced it. He fell in love with her" She took a deep breath before continuing, "Love is a powerful thing. It makes you crazy and stupid. You do things you never do and experience things you wouldn't dream about. You go to the end of the earth to make your loved one happy. Love is the best feeling but the worst feeling. Read the book again, you'll understand how immense the power of love is. It's infinite" She sighed wistfully.

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