Chapter 1: The Spill

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On Earth, at the Frutti Music Bar in Gardenia, it has been a year since the fairies of the Squadd Bunch had brought magic back to Earth; the six are seventeen. They are flying around out on the beach, advertising their band. People crowd around and watch them.

"Hello, Gardenia!" Hajari said, flying around as he dragged each word. His gigantic dragon surrounds him.

"Woohoo!" Willow cheered.

"Make it pop, Willow!"

"Morphix!" Willow said and she makes pink bubbles float around.

"We are the Squadd!" Hajarianna cheered.

"Hi, everybody!" Musa cheered.

"Recording," Kajari said as he records all of the Squadd on his phone.

"Here I go!" Willow said as she bounces off each of her Morphix bubbles, flipping around in the air.

Michael flies over the people's heads, sprinkling fairy dust on them, and magical flowers grow around with pink sparkly tulips.

"Musa, crank it up!" Hajari said.

"Sonic Blast!" Musa said and she turns up the volume of the music on the speakers.

"Tell your mom! Tell your dad! Squadd Bunch Band! On the beach tomorrow night!" Hajari continued

All of the people on the beach take out their phones and record the Squadd.

"Live Stream!" Kajari said as he records Hajari.

"Fire Dragon!" Hajari said as he makes his dragon fly around the people and then into the air.

Later, Hajari and Michael meet Daniyel at the bartender counter.

"Great show, you guys. I bet you could see it all across Gardenia," Daniyel said.

Kiko jumps on the counter as Daniyel grabs him a glass and pours an orange beverage in it.

"Here you go, Kiko. Carrot juice." 

Kiko cannot reach the top of the glass. He jumps to get an orange from off of the shelf, but he rolls off the orange as he lands onto it and he falls onto the floor.

"Yeah. Thanks a lot for hosting it here, Dani," Hajari said.

"It'll be a great way to spend my last day at the Frutti Music Bar."

Hajari and Michael look at each other in confusion.

"Last day? What?"

Daniyel hands Hajari a printed paper. "I got into Alfea."

Hajari hugs the fairy. "Dani, that's wonderful."

"You were there for me just like a big brother."

'Brother.'  That word sparked Hajari's mind about his ghostly older brother, Nicholas.

"Oh, Nicholas," Hajari said as he bows his head in sorrow.

"Hajari? Are you okay?" asked Daniyel.

"I'm fine," Hajari swallowed.

"Let's get some air," Michael said to Hajari.

So, Hajari and Michael walk to the water of the beach. Kajari comes running behind them with his phone. As the fairies look ahead, they see a stream of smoke soaring up into the air.

"What is that?" asked Michael.

"Something's not right out there," Kajari analyzes the smoke. "Look!" Kajari shows them a holographic picture of an oil rig on fire. "No leaks detected."

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