Chapter 15: The Pillar Of Light

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In order to activate the Emperor's Throne, Uranus must acquire the seals of  the Pillars of Light, Balance, and Control. The Squadd are determined to stop him. In battle, at the Pillar of Light, Willow is attacked by her own family, whom Uranus has turned into mutants and he escapes with the seal.

Uranus is angrily sitting on the Emperor's Throne trying to figure out how to activate it. "I should feel the power to rule the Infinite Ocean!" Uranus yelled. "The power of the Emperor's Throne flowing through me! But it's not!" Uranus swims about the throne. "What is wrong with this thing?" Uranus finally observed something. "Ah! The legs they're broken!"

At Alfea, in the simulation room, the Squadd, minus Willow, are underwater swimming around.

"Okay, we've got to get to the Coral Circle," said Hajari.

"It must be down here somewhere," said Musa.

"But the question is: where?" asked Hajarianna.

"If we concentrate, we should be able to feel where we need to go," said Michael.

"You're right, Michael. Come on, guys," Hajari said.

The Squadd form a circle. The fairies all feel waves of energy around them. Then, Hajari looks around and witnesses a path of seashells exhibiting a path ahead.

"A path, come on!" said Kajari.

The Squadd follow the path. The Squadd find a dais with coral spiral around it.

"The Coral Circle!" said Musa.

"Let's go! We're almost there," said Hajari.

The Squadd start feeling negative dynamism as they get more intimate.

"What's going on?" asked Michael.

The Squadd see harmful waste inside the coral.

"Faster!" said Kajari.

"We can make it, Squadd!" said Hajari.

The toxic waste transforms into three black gigantic-monstrous seahorses. The Squadd stop swimming.

"Whoa!" said Hajari.

"What the hell are those things?" asked Michael.

The toxic waste surrounds the fairies.

"It's getting darker," said Kajari.

"Light! Light! We need Hajarianna!" Hajari said.

Everyone turns to Hajarianna. Hajarianna panics as the seahorses swim towards the poor Squadd Bunch. Hajarianna does not know what to do. She should because her powers come from the sun, moon, and stars; which means, she can manipulate light energy; however, she is acting as if she never used light before.

"Hajarianna? Hurry!" said Musa.

"Come on, Hajarianna! Use the Light of Mermaidix!" said Hajari.

Hajarianna curls up. "But I don't know how!"

The realistic simulation changes back into a white blank room as it initially is. All of the Squadd bow their heads in shame.

"Well...that didn't go so well," said Hajarianna.

Faragonda talking through the speaker outside the simulation room: Please join me in the control room, kids.

In the control room...

"What happened, Hajarianna?" asked Faragonda.

"I don't know, Ms. Faragonda. I just froze."

Faragonda approaches Hajarianna and puts her hands on her shoulders. "I understand, but this is only a pale imitation of the challenges you will face in the Infinite Ocean." Faragonda paces back and forth around the Squadd. "Mermaidix is an ancient power and requires great strength and will to master." Faragonda, again, approaches Hajarianna and lifts her head up with her chin. "You must find that strength inside you, Hajarianna."

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