Chapter 18: The Devourer

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At Alfea, the Squadd found a map of the Infinite Ocean, which showed the locations of all three pillars. On Earth, the Squadd battled the garbage monster Uranus created and defeated it, but Uranus escaped. Willow vows to stop Uranus, once and for all.

By the Emperor's Throne...

"So, Sun-Hi? What do you think? Nice, huh?" Uranus said.

"Hmm, very nice," said Sun-Hi. "We just have to get the other two seals."

Uranus swims away saying. "Next up, the Pillar of Balance!"

Sun-Hi gets in Jodi and Corki's face. "You heard the man!" she said with an attitude.

"Oh man, we gotta steal more seals," Jodi whined sarcastically.

"And wreck more havoc," Corki said, imitating Jodi.

"What's not to like?"

Jodi and Corki follow Uranus and Sun-Hi. Jodi and Corki stop when they see a huge purple fish with an antenna on its head---with one green eye. Sun-Hi and Uranus stop too.

"Whoa, what's that?" asked Corki.

"It's just a dumb fish," Sun-Hi said with an attitude.

"A big fish," said Corki.

"A really big fish," said Jodi.

The fish swims to Sun-Hi.

Sun-Hi springs out the way. "Hey! That thing tried to eat me!" said Sun-Hi.

The fish swims towards Sun-Hi again.

"It's coming back," said Corki.

"Not the smartest form of seafood," said Jodi.

"Sisters! Blizzard!" Sun-Hi said.

"Lightning Bolt!" said Corki.

"Dark... Spell!" said Jodi.

The sisters try to attack the fish, but it swims through their spell. The Trix swim away and the fish goes after them; incensed at the fact that they attacked it.

"Uranus!" Sun-Hi screamed.

The fish bits down on Sun-Hi's thick snow-white hair. It then lets go and she dashes away. Uranus blasts it and it floats to the floor.

"What is that thing?" asked Sun-Hi.

"It's just a creature from the Depths of the Ocean," said Uranus, laughing. "A Devourer of the Abyss. It's unstoppable, it will eat anything in its path."

"I'll say," said Corki.

"It's antenna is its weak spot."  Uranus blasts the fish's antenna. "And now, I control it."

"Nice," said Sun-Hi.

"Cool," said Jodi and Corki.

Sun-Hi then thinks. "You know Uranus, that thing really could ruin somebody's day."

"Which gives me an idea," Uranus thought.

"The Selkies!" The couple says together.

"That will take care of those little rats," Sun-Hi added.

"Minion! Go and find every Selkie you can and devour it! Start at the Pillar of Light!" Uranus commanded the fish.

Meanwhile, Nicholas is watching all the catastrophes from his cell. "I must warn them! I must warn, Hajari!" he said.

At Alfea, in the Squadd's apartment, Michael is watering his plants while he explains to Hajari that he, Musa, and Kajari have to stay back for an assignment. Today, the kingdoms of the Magic Dimension will meet to propose a plan to attack Uranus. Only Hajari, Willow, and Hajarianna will be going to the meeting while the others stay at Alfea for their assignment.

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