Chapter 16: The Eclipse

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Armed with King Neptune's sword, Willow is determined to save her family. Darkness engulfed the Magic Dimension after Uranus removed the seal of the Pillar of Light. Hajarianna, worried about her father, King Radius, whom's health is linked to the sun of Solaria, fought to save him.

At the palace of Solaria, Luna stays in Radius' room as he groans awingly in his bed. Luna looks out to see the black sun from the eclipse. She then turns to Radius, who is groaning even louder. Luna dips a rag into a crystal bowl of cold water and places it on Radius' forehead.

"You are going to be okay, Radius. As long as the second sun of Solaria shines," Luna said.

"L-Luna? What are you doing here?" Radius said weakly.

"We may be divorced, but we're still family and you're still my king."

Radius sits up from his bed. "I have to mobilize our forces! We must fight." Radius lies back down and starts coughing.

Luna hugs him and tucks him in. "There, there." Luna turns to the second sun of Solaria in the display case. "The second sun is dimming." Luna panics but tries to stay strong. "Our only hope now is that the Squadd can save the Pillar of Light. Otherwise, all of our lives will be lost."

Back underwater, by the Pillar of Light, as the gigantic rock falls from above Willow, she screams in terror until Hajarianna, who has regained her sun powers,  blasts the rock away.

"Light Diamond!" said Hajarianna.

"I knew you could do it, Hajarianna, yay!" cheered Stella.

"Thanks, Hajarianna!" Willow said happily.

"Look! They're getting away!" Hajarianna said as Uranus, the Trix, and the mutants flee.

Willow points to the alcove where the seal is supposed to be, then to Uranus. "Uranus has taken part of the pillar with him!"

"Let's go, girls!" Hajari said as he chases after the monsters and Hajarianna and Willow follow him.

The other three Squadds stay back because Jodi and Corki stay back to fight them.

"Nature's Kick!" Michael said as he does a power kick and knocks the two witches onto the ocean floor.

Jodi looks up and sees the monsters, Uranus, and Sun-Hi fleeing.

"Hey, they're leaving without us!" said Jodi.

The sisters get up to catch up with them.

With the evil deeds...

"You tried to save me," said Uranus as he smiles.

"I'd do anything for you," said Sun-Hi.

"I'll never let them hurt you again. I'm gonna bring the whole Magic Dimension down!"

Hajari, his sister, and Willow catch up to them.

"Uranus!" Willow shouted.

The monsters stop and turn around.

"Cousin Willow," he said as he smiled. "Missing your family? Come say hello!"

Willow lets one tear fall out from her eye. Willow then gets angry. "No!"

The mutants start shooting magic at the Squadd. Uranus and Sun-Hi evilly laugh and swim away.

"Oh no! Here they come!" said Hajari.

"Don't worry I'll handle this!" Willow said. "Neptune's Sword!" Willow raises her hand in the air and the crystal sword appears. Willow blasts two of the monsters, and the others get away. The blasts transform the two into who they were before; Willow's cousins, Venus and Daisy.

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