Chapter 24: Saving Paradise Bay

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Jodi and Corki have kidnapped Cetus and disappeared. Hajari is determined to end the Mermaidix Curse to free him and Nicholas. And even though her sister's have deserted them, Sun-Hi will stop at nothing to make sure Uranus becomes emperor and she becomes empress. 

The golden disc of light gleams over the sky as a family soars happily on their yacht in the crystal blue ocean. The family drives to a bay with tall mountains and palm trees and bushes everywhere.

"Honey, get a shot of this bay!" said the husband to his wife.

The wife takes out her camcorder and zooms around getting every shot of the bay. "It's paradise, isn't it?" the wife said.

"Well, that's why they call it  'Paradise Bay.'"

The couple's son bends over on the boat rail, looking at the Red Herring Fish that swim alongside of the boy. "Mom, Mom! Come look at the fish!" the boy cheered.

The wife bends over gets a snap of the fish. "They're gorgeous!" she said.

The boy dips his hand in the water and lets the fish kiss his fingers. The fish swim away. "Hey! Where'd they go?" asked the boy. The boy runs to the other side of the boat and bends over.

"David, be careful!" the wife worried to her son.

The red fish swam back up to the boy, in a circle formation and in the middle of the circle, there's a yellow fish. The fish swim away again. David bends over to reach them. Then, his toes lift off of the ground and poor David plunges over into the water.

"David!" cried the mom.

David's dad stops the boat. He dives into the water and paddles to drowning David. David then sinks into the water. The father dives under his head underwater to search for him. David is nowhere in site. After, the father peaks his head up and turns to the mom. "I don't see him!" the dad panicked.

"David!" the mom cried, covering her face and loudly screaming.

Then, the couple sees bubbles emerging and dolphins rise from the water balancing a laughing David on their noses.

"David!" the dad said in relief.

The dolphins lend David to his father and they get on the boat. His mother hugs him tight.

"Mom, Dad, I'm alright," David laughed.

The mom pets one of the dolphins. "Thank you so much," she said.

The family waves goodbye to the dolphins as they swim away.

At Domino Palace, Hajari, Hajarianna, and Kajari's parents are holding a meeting with the Sovereign's Council.

"My fellow Sovereigns, after his unprovoked attacks on our realms. We have come together to fight Uranus," said King Oritel. "Today, we must devise a plan to defeat him."

"I say we move into the Infinite Ocean immediately and overwhelm him!" Venus shouted.

"Would it not be wise for each realm to secure their underwater gates and deny Uranus any chance of escape?" asked King Kryos.

"Uranus grows stronger every day, but we must attack him now!" said Daisy.

"Is it too soon?" said Kryos.

"We need time to organize," said King Arandor.

"We can't wait. An attack now would be rash!" said King Will.

Michael walks up to Oritel and bows. "May I speak, Your Majesty?" asked Michael.

"The council recognizes Michael, Fairy of Nature," Oritel said to the court.

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