Chapter 14: The Emperor's Throne

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Led by Eliris, the Squadd passed through the Mermaidix Gate into the Infinite Ocean, but Uranus is only one step behind them and closer than ever to carrying out his plan; to activate the Emperor's Throne and control the Magic Dimension. But first, he must refuel.

The six friends are laying on beach chairs watching the waves push and pull to their feet. Kiko is laying in Hajari's lap while he drinks the carrot juice that Daniyel fixed up for him.

"What a glorious day! The sun is shining, the sky is blue," said Hajarianna.

"Perfect beach weather," said Hajari.

"It's nice to have some time off," said Kajari.

"Which we deserve because we've completed the quest and now," said Willow, "we're Mermaidix Fairies!"

"Totally!" Musa said as she and Willow fist bump.

Musa and Willow get up and go to the water. They turn back to the others.

"So what are we waiting for?" asked Willow.

Hajari and Hajarianna jump up and join them. So does Michael and Kajari.

"The Specialists are already out there," Michael said.

"Plus, my mom and dad said they'd have a picnic for us," said Hajari.

"Fantastic! Because you know, I could throw down!" said Hajarianna.

"We know, Hajarianna! You could eat," said Willow.

They all bust out laughing until cans and bottles float up to their feet in the water. 

"Oh no," Michael whined.

"Our perfect beach isn't perfect anymore," said Musa.

The Squadd looked around at all the other people who wanted to go to the beach. People confused. Children softly cry. Others were angry.

"Hajari, boys, and girls! Over here," said Charlie as he, Tia, and the Specialists come with picnic baskets.

"Mom! Dad!" said Hajari as he runs to his mom and hugs her. Tia looks towards the beach as she lets go of Hajari.

"Hajari, can you believe this?" she asked.

"How did this happen?"

"I don't know, honey."

"Well it looks like the waves are pushing the trash onto the beach from offshore," said Bloom.

"You mean it's coming from the ocean?" asked Willow.

"I'm afraid so."

"Well, we can't leave it like this!" Hajari yelled. Then he softens his tone. "This is our beach after all."

"We've got to clean this up," said Kajari.

"You're right, Kajari. We can do this!" said Tecna.

Hajarianna casts a spell and gives everyone gloves.

"While you're at it, Princess, we could use some trash bags," said Brandon.

"Coming right up!" Hajarianna waves her fingers and the trash bags appear in front of all the Squadd and Specialists.

"We'll get the paper!" Musa said as she grabs Riven's hand and runs.

"Flora, Michael, and I will get the plastic," said Willow.

The kids got down to work. Other people saw the gang cleaning up and they ask for gloves and bags and they help too.

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