Chapter 21: A Perfect Date

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Musa tamed the whales of Melody with her mother's song. The Squadd restored the Pillar of Balance and saved the Magic Dimension, but the Pillar of Control is still at risk as the Squadd race Uranus to obtain the seal.

In the simulation room, the Squadd are swimming in a simulation of the Infinity Ocean. They are swimming in swimming gear and not their mermaid powers. The Squadd have a mission to beat Uranus to the Pillar of Control to get the seal so that the monster cannot become Emperor of the Infinity Ocean.

Hajari stops swimming and the Squadd stop behind him. "Okay, Squadd, be on the lookout for anything unusual," he said.

"Define unusual," Hajarianna sassed.

The underwater world starts shaking and gigantic octopus' tentacles rise from the ocean floor.

"How about that?" Kajari panicked.

The Squadd swim upwards. Then, they stop as the octopus fully forms.

"Okay, that's unusual," said Hajarianna.

"I'll say. What is it?" asked Hajari.

A tentacle swings at Kajari, but he ducks. "It looks like some type of giant octopus!" Kajari cried.

"Watch out!" Willow cried as a tentacle swung at her. 

As Willow moves out the way, the octopus grabs Hajarianna and Musa. The two girls cry as the monster swings them around.

"Hang on, we're coming!" Hajari said as he swims to free his friends, but the octopus shoots lasers from its eyes. Hajari moves out of the way, so he does not get it.

"Correction: some kind of giant-electric octopus," Kajari said.

"An electroctopus?" Hajari asked.

"Hey! A little help here!" Hajarianna cried.

As Hajari and Willow swim to help their friends, the two get caught by the octopus.

"Hey! Quit it!" cried Willow.

The octopus catches Michael in his sight. The monster strikes the poor fairy with his laser eyes and Michael falls to the ocean floor. Kajari swims down to help Michael.

"Kajari, you've got to do something," Michael said weakly.

"I know. I'm just not sure what," Kajari replied. Kajari approached the monster. It shoots lasers at him. "Aura Of Mermaidix!" Kajari said as he starts glowing and blocking the monster's attacks.

Repelling the monster's attack, made the monster free the fairies and went back into its hole. The fairies help Michael up and they cheer Kajari on. The simulation disappears back into a white room. Palladium comes into the room.

"Congratulations, Kajari. You have found your Mermaidix special power," said Palladium.

The Squadd change out of their swim clothes and back into their regular clothes.

"You were great out there, Kajari," said Willow.

"I think we should celebrate," said Hajarianna. Hajarianna casts a spell and makes sparkles fall over her and her friends. They all giggle letting the sparkles fall onto their flawless skin. Kajari wipes the sparkles off his skin.

"Thank you, but-" Kajari started, but Hajari cut him off.

"And that's why we've arranged something special," Hajari said.

"To help you celebrate, we're sending you on a date," said Musa.

"A date?" Kajari panicked.

"Yep, a real, live date," Willow said. "With Tecna!"

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