Chapter 20: The Problems Of Love

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At the Sovereign's Council, Hajari and Bloom found themselves on opposite sides of the debate and let it come between them. Meanwhile, the Squadd head to Melody to stop an attack by the Trix, but the battle turned against them when Jodi and Corki ordered the Singing Whales of Melody to attack.

Still in the  Infinite Ocean, the glowing green Pillar of Balance trembles. Everyone is in awe of Jodi and Corki for taking control of the Singing Whales.

"Hey there, fairies," said Corki.

"Say hello to our new pets," said Jodi.

"The Singing Whales! They've enchanted them!" cried Musa.

Jodi casts a spell on the whales to sing and the whale's vibrato hurts the Squadd's ears. The mermaid fairies cover their ears in pain.

"They're song! It's horrible!" Musa cried.

Sun-Hi swims to Jodi and Corki.

"So, what do you think?" Jodi asked Sun-Hi.

"Pretty awesome, huh?" asked Corki.

"Whatever. Where's Uranus?" Sun-Hi asked with an attitude.

Uranus is evilly laughing as the Squadd suffer the petrifying sounds of the whales.

"There he is!" said Sun-Hi. "And he still has the seal." Sun-Hi is about to swim away until Corki blocks her.

"Oh, forget Uranus!" said Corki.

"You've got us!" said Jodi. "You don't need him."

"Seriously? Get lost, you too!" Sun-Hi yelled.

"Sun-Hi?" Jodi said sentimentally.

"We're your sisters!" said Corki.

"Okay, last time I'm saying this. I will never leave Uranus! Never-ever-ever-ever!" Sun-Hi said. Sun-Hi swims away, but she stops and turns around to look at her sisters. "And while you're at it, get those whales to destroy the Squadd," she said.

Jodi and Corki hop off the whales and the whales charge at the fairies. The whales are singing and their waves blow the Squadd to the floor. Corki and Jodi laugh.

"It's unbearable!" cried Willow.

"Make it stop!" Hajarianna cried.

Hajari gets angry and gets ready to blast the creatures, but Musa stops him.

"No! Hajari, stop!" Musa cried.

All of the Squadd get ready to attack and Musa jumps in front of them.

"No! You can't hurt them!" Musa continued. "Melody won't survive without them!"

"But we're not going to survive with them!" said Hajarianna.

"Don't worry. I know what to do!"

"Then we'll get out of your way! Everyone, clear out!" Hajari commanded.

The Selkies and fairies watch as they watch their music friend try to save the whales.

"Looks like the friends left poor Musa all alone!" said Uranus as he and Sun-Hi hid behind a rock, watching the Squadd.

"That's one Squadd down!" Sun-Hi said.

"So what do you say we put seal number two in the Emperor's Throne?"

"Sounds delightful!" Sun-Hi and Uranus swim off and Jodi and Corki follow behind them.

"Oh, you know what gets me? We saved their bacon..." said Jodi.

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