Chapter 23: The Shark's Eye

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Uranus' attack on the Pillar of Control sent storms raging throughout the Magic Dimension. On Zenith, the Squadd fought the planet's out-of-control androids and saved King Kryos. Jodi and Corki, fed up with Uranus, abandon Sun-Hi and go after Cetus.

At the Emperor's Throne, Uranus and Sun-Hi are upset that the fairies have destroyed the seal of the Pillar of Control.

"The Squadd ruin everything!" Uranus cried. "They destroyed the third seal! Now how am I supposed to activate the throne?" Uranus looks around and noticed the absence of Jodi and Corki. "Sun-Hi, where are you sisters?"

"Who cares? They're gone," Sun-Hi sighs.

"They deserted us?" Uranus said as he shakes his Trident. Uranus blasts the throne, then the spell bounces back and blasts him to the ground. Uranus transforms back into a normal mermaid.

"Uranus!" Sun-Hi cried as she swims to him.

Uranus sits up and groans. "Not again."

"The throne has drained his power," said Nicholas. "It is the curse of Mermaidix. It will destroy you just as it destroyed Cetus."

"Oh, zip it, Debbie Downer!" Sun-Hi said.

"Cetus, of course! His Mermaidix Power is enormous!" Uranus smiled. "I can use it to activate the Emperor's Throne. If we can find him."

"My Dark Mermaidix Power will lead you too her," said Sun-Hi.

Sun-Hi swims away and Uranus follows.

I just have to get there before my sisters do, Sun-Hi thought.

"I must tell Hajari," Nicholas said.

In Hajarianna's room, Hajarianna is painting her toenails and complaining about her people criticizing her clothes.

"I just don't get why people don't like my designs," Hajarianna sighed.

"They're all wonderful, Hajarianna. But-" Hajari starts, but Hajarianna cuts him off.

"But nobody wants to wear them, I know. Brandon says I should listen to what people want and give it to them." Hajarianna then starts painting her fingernails.

"Maybe he's right. You could try it. Why don't you put together another  fashion show?"

Hajarianna jumps up her from her bed. "That's an awesome idea, Hajari! I'll make them as awesome as my nails are!"

"And that's totally amazing."

Hajarianna frowns. "And maybe I'll invite Uncle Radius and Aunt Luna. They can't fight at a fashion show."

Hajari casts a spell and and the sparkles from his spell develop into a cyan scarf around Hajarianna's neck. "It's going to be fabulous," Hajari encouraged.

Later in the corridors of Alfea, Hajari is walking to class with his single-strapped backpack around him and him, hugging his textbooks until Nicholas taps into his brain.

Hajari, said Nicholas.

"Nicholas?" Hajari said.

Hajari. Cetus! You must find Cetus! Before the Trix do!

"But who is he? Where do I look for him?"

Alfea. In the room of Faraway Reflections. Be careful, Hajari. The curse of Mermaidix. Cetus is evil! Nicholas' voice fades away.

"Wait! Nicholas! Don't go!" Hajari said. Hajari continues walking to class. "The room of Faraway Reflections. I wonder where it is," said Hajari. Hajari walks into the classroom as Faragonda is already teaching. The wholes class, including the Squadd, stare at him as he takes his seat.

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